Nothing like nearly eight pounds of technology to make your ride home more interesting. I’ve been working on two 17″ laptops for the School of Medicine and need to return them tomorrow. Loaded up the panniers with one in each and set off. Overall wasn’t too terrible. Not really looking forward to the ride over in the morning, but at least the trip will be mostly downhill.
Had some crazy woman in a white SUV, think it was a Range Rover, buzz me along Anthem Pkwy past Atchley. Looked up and spotted a bike rack on the back. Sheesh need to be more respectful of a fellow cyclist!
Nah I’m kidding. Good ole MIndy Bennet giving me “Shave and a Haircut” along her way home, I assume, from a day at Swanny’s. Put a nice smile on my face and helped me finish the Anthem Pkwy climb.
T-Minus 52 days until PCBR.
Sunny-Sunny, 53°F-74°F, Feels like 54°F-68°F, Humidity 29%-16%, Wind N 5mph-ENE 6mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -0.2%
Headwind: 49% @ 6.4-17.9mph
Longest Headwind: 36m 8s
Air Speed: 17.2mph
Temp: 49.3-69.4°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 3021 ft
Min elevation: 2020 ft
Total climbing: 1692 ft
Total descent: -1633 ft
Average speed: 19.54 mi/h
Total time: 11:28:47
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