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Commute Loop – 2022.08.01

Another great day of commuting.

The morning ride in was pretty nice. Temps weren’t too terrible, but the humidity was still elevated. I’ll take it though. Snapped a couple pics along the way. Nice pic of my partner (my shadow) and couple good pics of the Welcome to Las Vegas sign. Hard to imagine that every day I get to ride by a sign that people travel miles and spend thousands of dollars to see.

Almost had a melt down when I go to my office. The AC was out in my office which is awful when you’re fresh off the bike. I call campus facilities and gave them the heads up before changing and migrating to one of my labs. Thankfully they had it fixed before the end of the day. Not all that surprised really as this seems to happen every time a large storm passes through.

Ride home was uneventful despite the skies looking like they wanted to just open up and dump. Thankfully I was blessed by the cycling gods and was only spit on once or twice. No real measurable rain. Had a decent headwind, but you hardly notice when you’re not trying to crush it all the way home.

Nice carpool day tomorrow with the little darling before hitting the bike again on Wednesday!

Partly sunny-Cloudy, 80°F-91°F, Feels like 83°F-91°F, Humidity 63%-32%, Wind WNW 2mph-SSW 11mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -6.4%
Headwind: 55% @ 3.9-18.6mph
Longest Headwind: 09h 19m 19s
Air Speed: 15.6mph
Temp: 75.4-87.8°F
Precip: 11% @ 0.2 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 35.23 mi
Max elevation: 2956 ft
Min elevation: 1961 ft
Total climbing: 1506 ft
Total descent: -1524 ft
Average speed: 17.10 mi/h
Total time: 11:55:26
Published inCommuteCycling

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