Great way to wrap the work week. Awesome ride down to Scrambled for breakfast. The skies to the south were looking ominous when I left the house so I grabbed my rain jacket just in case. Sadly the rain was not meant to be as there wasn’t a drop for me all day.
Ride home was nice with winds that were a mix of cross and head winds. Nothing too stiff, but an occasional gust that would give you a gentle shove this way or that. Heat was pretty bearable as well. Looking forward to a nice group ride tomorrow and relaxing weekend.
Mostly cloudy-Partly sunny, 80°F-96°F, Feels like 83°F-95°F, Humidity 67%-26%, Wind ESE 2mph-WSW 10mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -10.8%
Headwind: 52% @ 4.7-18mph
Longest Headwind: 09h 1m 22s
Air Speed: 15.1mph
Temp: 75-90.4°F
Precip: 6% @ 0.23 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 2976 ft
Min elevation: 1948 ft
Total climbing: 1612 ft
Total descent: -1673 ft
Average speed: 17.38 mi/h
Total time: 12:04:50
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