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Sunday Wandrer Recovery – 2022.08.07

I wanted to get in a recovery ride this morning after yesterday’s big ride.

The ride out to the dam was my new longest ride since July 1st, but only by three miles. Happy to say that, even though I was cooked after, I wasn’t hurting as bad as the week before. I guess you could consider that a sign of improvement.

The challenge this morning was to focus on keeping my heart rate down and avoid the urge to put in any significant effort. To make that a reality, I loaded up the bike and drove down to south end of Via Firenze to start in order to avoid any climbing to get home.

After riding the length of Via Firenze south-to-north and back I remembered I was signed up with Wandrer and thought it would be something to keep me occupied. So the goal morphed from a simple “Zone 1 Recovery Ride” to a “Let’s ride every publicly accessible road off Via Firenze south of Bicentennial”. Happy to report I was successful on both fronts; 10.5 new miles in Wandrer and 99% of the ride spent in zone 1.

Now I get to head out to a well earned breakfast with the little darling!

Give your activities the names they deserve. – by
10.51 new miles —
Partly sunny-Sunny, 86°F-88°F, Feels like 84°F-87°F, Humidity 31%-31%, Wind NE 4mph-NW 3mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -9.4%
Headwind: 46% @ 4.3-8.6mph
Longest Headwind: 9m 3s
Air Speed: 11.3mph
Temp: 81.4-84°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END – 

Total distance: 19.99 mi
Max elevation: 2771 ft
Min elevation: 2566 ft
Total climbing: 722 ft
Total descent: -707 ft
Average speed: 11.95 mi/h
Total time: 01:46:45

Published inCycling

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