An odd sort of ride today, guess it matches the odd sort of week I’m having. With appointments yesterday and Friday, I’m riding on Tuesday and Thursday this week.
On the ride in I felt I had difficulty keeping my heart rate in Zone 2. I’d start putting some power down and my heart rate would climb. Yes totally to be expected, but not at only 130 or so watts. Last week sticking to around 150-165 would keep me around 135 BPM, but not this morning. Then oddly the opposite was true on the ride home. Kept finding myself in the 180 watts range with the heart ticking along at 135 steady. My only guess is tired legs and coffee in the morning and a double lunch for the ride home.
Overall felt pretty fast coming home despite the winds. Cycling Gods were looking down on me by holding back the rain for the entirety of my ride. Rolled in to the driveway and it started spitting but, never really rained.
Partly sunny-Cloudy, 89°F-91°F, Feels like 89°F-91°F, Humidity 36%-34%, Wind SE 6mph-SSW 9mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -8.7%
Headwind: 55% @ 5.8-17.4mph
Longest Headwind: 38m 27s
Air Speed: 15.8mph
Temp: 81.4-88.3°F
Precip: 11% @ 0.2 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 2966 ft
Min elevation: 1955 ft
Total climbing: 1472 ft
Total descent: -1521 ft
Average speed: 17.42 mi/h
Total time: 11:55:09
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