Hesitated to ride in today with the late start. I was stuck at home until the AC repair guy came by the house to diagnose my 2nd story unit. Looks like he’ll be back out on Thursday to get it all fixed. Thankfully my 1st floor unit is holding strong. In hindsight I’m glad I rode in.
Really not much to report. Took a slightly different route to explore some new roads and rack up some Wandrer miles. Will say that I enjoy Las Vegas Blvd much more than I enjoyed Dean Martin. Thankfully only have to ride it once to count!
Ride home was hot, but I must be really acclimated to it because I barely noticed. I mean sure I was sweaty but I didn’t notice any negative effects of the warmer temps.
This week is shaping up to be an odd one when it comes to work and my commutes. Need to leave a little early tomorrow, work from home on Thursday, and a standard Friday. Thinking maybe a solo ride Thursday morning early before my work day begins.
16.02 new miles — Wandrer.earth
Sunny-Sunny, 93°F-107°F, Feels like 91°F-102°F, Humidity 25%-10%, Wind NNW 2mph-ESE 4mph – by Klimat.app
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -10.8%
Headwind: 43% @ 3.5-6.5mph
Longest Headwind: 07h 12m 6s
Air Speed: 15.9mph
Temp: 88.1-101.9°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 2954 ft
Min elevation: 1960 ft
Total climbing: 1578 ft
Total descent: -1643 ft
Average speed: 17.38 mi/h
Total time: 09:17:51
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