Beautiful day for a commute. Weather was gorgeous in both directions. Was warm on the way home, but nothing like a week ago. Thankfully the forecast is calling for temps to continue to drop for at least the next week. Definitely looking forward to that.
13.45 new miles —
Mostly sunny-Sunny, 72°F-91°F, Feels like 71°F-86°F, Humidity 34%-14%, Wind N 2mph-ESE 4mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -5.4%
Headwind: 63% @ 3-9mph
Longest Headwind: 08h 52m 23s
Air Speed: 15.9mph
Temp: 68.7-88.1°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Total distance: 47.7 mi
Max elevation: 3053 ft
Min elevation: 1937 ft
Total climbing: 2249 ft
Total descent: -2284 ft
Average speed: 16.76 mi/h
Total time: 12:16:29
Max elevation: 3053 ft
Min elevation: 1937 ft
Total climbing: 2249 ft
Total descent: -2284 ft
Average speed: 16.76 mi/h
Total time: 12:16:29
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