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How many ticks can fit on a Tootsie Pop

Local Adobo Velo leadership was out of town riding a double century so I decided to put on a ride. The people spoke and we rode.

Earlier this week I created a Facebook poll with two different route options and invited Adobo Velo members to vote on which route to ride today. I’d keep the voting open until Friday at 5 pm. I also created a new event placeholder for the ride and named it “The Will of the People Ride”. Sunrise West to East won in a landslide (11-2) against a Red Rock Flyby and Villa Ridge ride. Opted for an early 6 am start to free up my afternoon to watch the kiddo at her horse show and her first competition jumping 2-ft fences.

Rolled into Pebble Marketplace early to give me plenty of time to get ready and be there for anyone rolling up. I did grab some Starbucks along the way for breakfast, and was pleasantly surprised when a total of eight riders showed up ready to go when there had been only 3-4 saying they were joining on the Facebook event page.

Long story short, because let’s face it I’m pretty wiped after a horrible night’s sleep, this ride had two distinct parts.

The first part was from Pebble Marketplace to Lakeshore Road. During this section we were all riding relatively chill. Nice steady pace and not blowing each others legs off. Did have to snag me a new park pass as we were one short to get our group of nine in and mine expired last month. When we rolled up to Lakeshore we had 4 riders choose to cut things short and return early. Two had just planned it that way. Of the other two, one had their front derailleur die and wouldn’t shift out of the small ring. No fun and completely understandable.

That left five of us to tackle the “second half” of the ride, and of course this is when things started getting spicy. For the most part Henry and John just checked out and left Joe, Al, and I watching them ride off into the distance. They were nice enough to wait for us at the south entrance/exit, but we just pushed through and they hopped on without issue. We saved ourselves some extra miles by choosing to ride into BC and not stop until Railroad Pass versus going east to Hover Dam Gas.

I was doing ok sticking with Al, John, and Henry on the climb until I exploded about a mile short of the Industrial summit. Looking at the data I was at 180+BPM for a hair over a mile when my legs finally let go. It is disheartening to just die and watch everyone ride off into the horizon.

Joe, Al, and I regrouped at the Industrial summit and started west to grab some fuel at Railroad Pass. Along the way this group of six fat bike riders yelled at us, “Big accident big accident ahead.” We rolled into Railroad Pass and spotted emergency vehicles heading past the store and towards the rear of the hotel. Once we left and were climbing the I-11 frontage on the west side of I-11, we looked over and saw emergency vehicles and staff all over the RMT near the summit before you drop down to the track crossing. Have no clue what happened, but it couldn’t have been good.

We hooked in to UPRR and started just humming all the way down and back to Pebble Marketplace. Henry latched onto the wheel of some random lady on a nice looking ride, but she was flying! In her running shoes and flat pedals! We’re all convinced that she had to have been on an e-bike of some kind. Right? RIGHT!?!

Joe bailed at Cornerstone Park to head home across the street. Al peeled off a short time later at ALocal Adobo Velo leadership was out of town riding a double century so I decided to put on a ride. The people spoke and we rode.

Earlier this week I created a Facebook poll with two different route options and invited Adobo Velo members to vote on which route to ride today. I’d keep the voting open until Friday at 5 pm. I also created a new event placeholder for the ride and named it “The Will of the People Ride”. Sunrise West to East won in a landslide (11-2) against a Red Rock Flyby and Villa Ridge ride. Opted for an early 6 am start to free up my afternoon to watch the kiddo at her horse show and her first competition jumping 2-ft fences.

Rolled into Pebble Marketplace early to give me plenty of time to get ready and be there for anyone rolling up. I did grab some Starbucks along the way for breakfast, and was pleasantly surprised when a total of eight riders showed up ready to go when there had been only 3-4 saying they were joining on the Facebook event page.

Long story short, because let’s face it I’m pretty wiped after a horrible night’s sleep, this ride had two distinct parts.

The first part was from Pebble Marketplace to Lakeshore Road. During this section we were all riding relatively chill. Nice steady pace and not blowing each others legs off. Did have to snag me a new park pass as we were one short to get our group of nine in and mine expired last month. When we rolled up to Lakeshore we had 4 riders choose to cut things short and return early. Two had just planned it that way. Of the other two, one had their front derailleur die and wouldn’t shift out of the small ring. No fun and completely understandable.

That left five of us to tackle the “second half” of the ride, and of course this is when things started getting spicy. For the most part Henry and John just checked out and left Joe, Al, and I watching them ride off into the distance. They were nice enough to wait for us at the south entrance/exit, but we just pushed through and they hopped on without issue. We saved ourselves some extra miles by choosing to ride into BC and not stop until Railroad Pass versus going east to Hover Dam Gas.

I was doing ok sticking with Al, John, and Henry on the climb until I exploded about a mile short of the Industrial summit. Looking at the data I was at 180+BPM for a hair over a mile when my legs finally let go. It is disheartening to just die and watch everyone ride off into the horizon.

Joe, Al, and I regrouped at the Industrial summit and started west to grab some fuel at Railroad Pass. Along the way this group of six fat bike riders yelled at us, “Big accident big accident ahead.” We rolled into Railroad Pass and spotted emergency vehicles heading past the store and towards the rear of the hotel. Once we left and were climbing the I-11 frontage on the west side of I-11, we looked over and saw emergency vehicles and staff all over the RMT near the summit before you drop down to the track crossing. Have no clue what happened, but it couldn’t have been good.

We hooked in to UPRR and started just humming all the way down and back to Pebble Marketplace. Henry latched onto the wheel of some random lady on a nice looking ride, but she was flying! In her running shoes and flat pedals! We’re all convinced that she had to have been on an e-bike of some kind. Right? RIGHT!?!

Joe bailed at Cornerstone Park to head home across the street. Al peeled off a short time later at Arroyo Grande where I missed the light and watched Henry and John fly off. I rolled in to Pebble Marketplace and chatted with John for a bit. Sadly couldn’t join the crew for a trip to PTs as I needed to cruise over to the kiddo’s previously mentioned horse show.

Had a great time today with a fun ride. I wish I’d slept better last night so I didn’t feel as dead as I do right now. Looking forward to a good night’s sleep.

Give your activities the names they deserve. – by
Clear-Sunny, 69°F-82°F, Feels like 66°F-79°F, Humidity 39%-22%, Wind WSW 2mph-N 1mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -6.2%
Headwind: 33% @ 2.1-4.2mph
Longest Headwind: 35m 27s
Air Speed: 17.1mph
Temp: 69-82.3°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 65.37 mi
Max elevation: 2499 ft
Min elevation: 1262 ft
Total climbing: 3590 ft
Total descent: -3600 ft
Average speed: 19.60 mi/h
Total time: 04:40:51
Published inAdobo VeloCycling

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