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Breakfast Commute – 2022.11.04

Kept it simple today. Straight to breakfast, straight to work, straight home.

Had a pair of positive car interactions today.

The first was on the ride in. Was riding through the construction along Pecos just to the right of the barrels. Thankfully there was enough room and the road wasn’t tore up for the most part. I did come to a section that had some steel plates that I wasn’t sure about riding over. I started waving to come out into the traffic lane and had no problem. Stayed in there for about a block maybe block and a half before I could get back over. When I did I made sure to give a big wave in thanks and received a cheerful beep in response.

The second was along the way home. Was cruising down Pecos, before Windmill, when a gentlemen in a truck STOPPED to let me pass before turning right across the bike lane into a shopping plaza. I was floored. Made sure to give him a huge wave in thanks for doing it right.

Was blown away with the sunset tonight. Stopped just before the house to snap a couple pics. Absolutely gorgeous!!

Clear-Partly sunny, 41°F-60°F, Feels like 42°F-60°F, Humidity 46%-17%, Wind N 3mph-ENE 3mph – by Report —
Weather Impact: -1.4%
Headwind: 42% @ 3.8-7.8mph
Longest Headwind: 10m 59s
Air Speed: 16.7mph
Temp: 38.5-60.2°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 33.3 mi
Max elevation: 2996 ft
Min elevation: 1921 ft
Total climbing: 1647 ft
Total descent: -1669 ft
Average speed: 18.45 mi/h
Total time: 11:32:46
Published inCommuteCycling

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