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Two guys walk into a bar. The third one ducks.

Not going to lie was excited when I saw Robert post this ride to the groups Facebook page. Got a little more excited this morning when I saw who all was on the list to come out.

I knew I wanted to ride today, but wasn’t sure what I was going to do. Before Robert posted this ride the only group option was with GVC’s breakfast ride, but the length was only 25 or so miles. Now Robert posted a full Sunrise from east to west, but I knew I didn’t have time for that full ride. I added a comment that I’d ride but would be returning early. Had important family stuff today and all.

Actually slept pretty good last night and the extra hour did help that along. When I got up this morning was feeling really good and when I checked to see who all was riding today I was surprised to see that Jeff Smith, Mike Reiter, and Ken Phan had joined the list. Going to bed last night I thought it was going to be only Robert, Mark and I today. Having the extra company is always welcome. Drove down to the start at Pebble Marketplace after snagging some Starbucks breakfast along the way.

The ride from Pebble Marketplace to Railroad Pass along UPRR was pretty chill. We stopped at Railroad Pass to pick up Jeff and were surprised to see he wasn’t there. I called him to see where he was and he’d ridden on thinking he might have missed us. We agreed to meet at the RMT/Veterans Drive fork, and rolled out.

After picking up Jeff things remained pretty chill all the way down past the guard shack along Lakeshore. I was perfectly content to hang on to Robert’s wheel along Lakeshore and was surprised when he pulled off and waved me by. I certainly wasn’t going to complain so I went around and took a pull.

Steve eventually pulled up next to me wanting a snack break. I let him lead the way and he pulled off on what appeared to be a small side road/driveway. It wasn’t until Robert rolled up and shared that the overlook was less than a quarter mile down the road. No one objected to the short detour and chance to take a breather.

About 15 minutes later and we were off again. Will say my legs weren’t too thrilled about that. Just a long enough break that they started to stiffen up. Hung back for a bit and once my legs loosened up I hopped back in front. Despite the century yesterday I was feeling pretty good.

As we rolled up to the intersection with Northshore I coasted to a stop to say my goodbyes. Mark, Robert, and Jeff would continue on to complete the full circuit while Ken, Steve, Mike, and I would head back into town. The four of us returnees agreed to regroup at the Terrible’s at Olsen/Athens before riding on back. I decided I’d just put a decent effort into the climb out of Lake Mead and was rewarded with a PR for the segment.

Rolled into the Terrible’s and relaxed while waiting for the rest of teh gang to show up. Once they did we had a nice break chit chatting for the next 25 minutes before finally rolling back to Pebble Marketplace. Steve had been contemplating getting a pick up, but I think we all talked him out of it. From there on back we just took it easy and rode a nice leisurely pace. Took an interesting route at Mike’s suggestion and I’m honestly surprised we don’t take it more often. Road surfaces were much better and felt like a lot less climbing. Who knows, maybe we can make it a trend.

As with yesterday’s ride today was a good one. Probably a little better than yesterday’s ride because it was warmer. Mark mentioned that the sun was filtered for the most part yesterday and you never felt the warmth of direct sunlight and I agree with him. Either way, it was a great riding weekend. Glad I got the miles in as this week isn’t looking too promising for commutes if what the weather man is forecasting comes to fruition.

0.74 new miles — From
Give your activities the names they deserve. – by
Sunny-Sunny, 46°F-64°F, Feels like 47°F-65°F, Humidity 49%-26%, Wind WNW 2mph-ENE 3mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 0.9%
Headwind: 42% @ 0.7-9mph
Longest Headwind: 32m 2s
Air Speed: 16.4mph
Temp: 45.1-62.4°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 50.76 mi
Max elevation: 2697 ft
Min elevation: 1250 ft
Total climbing: 2944 ft
Total descent: -2892 ft
Average speed: 18.23 mi/h
Total time: 04:04:25

Published inAdobo VeloCycling

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