Starts are getting cooler and cooler. Just cool enough to need a full jacket for the descent out of Anthem, but not cool enough for full thermal bibs. I want to test out a new vest, but I’m afraid of it not being warm enough.
Ride down to Scrambled was easy and cool like usual. Decided to mix up my route to work a little. Sadly there aren’t many north/south options between Scrambled and UNLV. Normally I would take Pecos north, but it is under heavy construction north of Pebble. Last time I went through there I took the lane, which helped, but the surface is just awful. I decided to jump over to Green Valley Pkwy(GVP) and it worked out well.
Coming up to GVP along Paseo Verde I started looking left to make my way over to the left turn lane. I looked two or three times and this gentlemen in a black sedan slowed up and waved me over. Super kind gesture. Once stopped at the light I looked over and got his attention. He rolled down his window and I thanked him for his kindness and wished him a Happy Thanksgiving. Love it when drivers are attentive and courteous like that. It certainly made my day!
Now for a chill Friday at work. Only a half commute today because there is a UNLV basketball game tonight. Fitted the bike rack to the kiddo’s car before I left this morning. After the game we’ll load up the bike and drive home. Looking forward to the weekend!
6.09 new miles — From
Partly sunny-Mostly cloudy, 40°F-43°F, Feels like 41°F-43°F, Humidity 46%-36%, Wind NW 2mph-SSW 5mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 8.3%
Headwind: 59% @ 3.2-5.6mph
Longest Headwind: 14m 27s
Air Speed: 19.3mph
Temp: 38.1-44.7°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 2962 ft
Min elevation: 1854 ft
Total climbing: 540 ft
Total descent: -1503 ft
Average speed: 21.37 mi/h
Total time: 02:04:14
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