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Commute Loop – 2023.03.27

Another chilly morning start to the commute. I’m glad I made the last minute decision to wear both shoe covers and a full jacket. I think if I’d gone with the vest only I would have been on the cold side.

Ride in went well, but I need to moderate how much coffee I have before riding in. Felt like I was floating and had to make a quick park stop before making it to the office. It was a bad one and nearly didn’t make it.

Ride home was pretty chill. It was fun to take a completely different route home. The ride down Bermuda wasn’t too bad, and I even spotted the kiddo while waiting to complete my left turn onto Volunteer.

I really pushed it up the Olivia Heights climb to add in some stress to the ride. With all the Z2 work out of the way there is nothing wrong with putting in a strong segment to wrap things up. Set a PRs for a few segments along the way.

12.17 new miles — From
Clear-Sunny, 39°F-57°F, Feels like 38°F-57°F, Humidity 32%-12%, Wind NNE 5mph-NNE 6mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 8.9%
Headwind: 48% @ 3.4-23mph
Longest Headwind: 08h 57m 56s
Air Speed: 29.8mph
Temp: 36.5-56.7°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 54.91 mi
Max elevation: 2983 ft
Min elevation: 1885 ft
Total climbing: 2268 ft
Total descent: -2275 ft
Total time: 12:22:14

Published inCommuteCycling

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