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Commute Loop – 2023.04.26

I joked with a buddy yesterday. “Pop quick MF. You go into your favorite bike shop for ONE tire. The tire you have is gum wall, but they only have black in stock…what do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO!?!”

To which they replied, “Buy 2”.

“You’re GD right you do!”, I said.

Which leads us to today. Rolled out on two brand new Black Edition Gatorskins. I know there are other tires out there that are faster, like GP 5Ks, but with how and where I ride, especially on my commutes, I feel more confident with the Gatorskins when it comes to flat prevention. Maybe some day I’ll give the 5ks, or another alternative, a try.

Commutes were good today. Thankfully the winds didn’t pick up quite as much as the morning news said they would. They did feel more tail windy on the way home which was nice.

Weather continues to be nice, but I know the hot days are right around the corner. I need to get back into the habit of taking a drink of water at every stop regardless if I need it or not.

6.86 new miles — From
Sunny-Sunny, 61°F-83°F, Feels like 61°F-84°F, Humidity 28%-9%, Wind NE 4mph-ENE 4mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 0.5%
Headwind: 47% @ 1.5-16.1mph
Longest Headwind: 09h 14m 31s
Air Speed: 17mph
Temp: 58.2-81.4°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 49.11 mi
Max elevation: 2960 ft
Min elevation: 1691 ft
Total climbing: 2073 ft
Total descent: -2114 ft
Total time: 12:13:52

Published inCommuteCycling

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