Another early start this morning. Woke up around 5:30 ish and couldn’t sleep anymore. Got up and got to work breaking camp down. Took about two hours to get packed up and rolling.
Hate to admit it but didn’t really feel like anything incredibly special happened today. Got out there, rode, and enjoyed the scenery.
As I approached Point Arena, I saw a sign saying the Point Arena Lighthouse was just two miles off the road. I figured why not and made the little detour. It was definitely worth it. Gorgeous lighthouse and quaint gift shop. Would love the opportunity to return and take the tower tour.
After the lighthouse I was on the lookout for a nice site down cafe or diner for some lunch. I heard the power was out in Point Arena so I pushed on. Each little town I came to along the way didn’t really have anything. Until I came to Gualala
I pulled up to this Mexican restaurant, checked the menu, and it seemed perfect. I sat down and waited. I don’t know how long waited, but I never was offered a water or anything. As I left I saw a sign on the door that they were closing at 1:00 and reopening at 4:00 for dinner. It was 12:30.
Kinda miffed and bummed I rode to the end of town and saw only one promising place. I went back to it and I overheard them explaining to the folks in front of my they didn’t open the cafe side of their shop because of the morning’s power outage. All they had was coffee and their bakery goods. I checked the case and it all looked great, but none of it was really lunch food. All sweets and pastries.
Foiled again I just went back to the Chevron and grabbed some stuff to eat. It also wasn’t much in the way of lunch stuff, but it wasn’t all sugary either. Took a nice little break to enjoy my food in the parking lot under the sun before riding on.
The weather and cloud cover is so odd along the coast. For most of the day the skies were flat gray. Even has some mist early on. Then seemingly out of no where the sun poked through around Anchor Bay. It held on for a while but I can’t remember where it went back to gray again. Sitting here at camp the skies are light gray and the sun is trying to burn through it, but no luck so far.
Got into camp with no issues. The hiker/biker sites are out behind the ranger station. I get the feeling that this campground isn’t all that popular with hikers, bikers, or anyone for that matter. Feels eerily empty. Oh well will hopefully make for a good night’s sleep!
Tomorrow will be about the same mileage as today, but hopefully not as much elevation. Today was very much like a roller coaster. Up, down, left, right, up, and so on. Again crossing all the little creeks. Looking at the upcoming rides I can’t believe San Francisco on Monday!
New bike fund: $5.81 (+$0.01)
68.77 new miles — From
Cloudy-Sunny, 55°F-62°F, Feels like 58°F-72°F, Humidity 95%-75%, Wind NNW 2mph-WSW 6mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 6.8%
Headwind: 65% @ 2.5-5.8mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 53m 7s
Air Speed: 13.3mph
Temp: 55.1-77°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Max elevation: 482 ft
Min elevation: 24 ft
Total climbing: 5078 ft
Total descent: -4625 ft
Average speed: 15.74 mi/h
Total time: 07:13:26
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