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Pacific Coast Bike Route – Day 22 : Salt Point State Park > Samuel P. Taylor State Park

Day got off to a slightly later start than usual. Woke up around 6:30 and was rolling at 8:30. The day started off with flat gray skies again. So I started off cold but thankfully once I started moving I warmed up some.

Along the highway I saw a sign for Fort Ross. I thought about continuing on, but at the last moment pulled in to see what it was all about. I’m really glad I did.

I rolled into the parking area and there was a good sized visitor center. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t open for a few more hours. I kept going along the road and it wound itself around and down this hill until you could see this huge wooden walled fort. I thought well how cool is this? I went and rolled through the whole thing taking all sorts of pictures. With no one else there I had the run of the joint. Nice way to spend a few minutes before continuing on down the highway.

As I always do I started to look for places to either get lunch or a late breakfast. I pulled off at River’s End Restaurant & Inn to see what they had, but they hadn’t opened for the day yet. I guess they’re a lunch and dinner only place. What I did get though was a cool shot of this telephone booth they had sitting out front. I even picked up the receiver and it had a dial tone! I was surprised. I figured it would be busted. In hindsight I should have written down the phone number on it to call later for the fun of it.

I came to the small town of Jenner and there looked like a couple places might scratch my breakfast itch.  Sadly, they were mostly cafe style.  Order at the window and then pick it up when it’s ready.  I was looking for something more like a diner with a hostess and wait staff.

Knowing I needed something to give me my caffeine fix I stopped into the local convenience store.  I grabbed a canned Starbucks Nitro Cold Brew, some gummy candies for the road, and some doughnuts.

I stood outside enjoying my coffee and doughnuts, but I couldn’t help but smell something funky.  I couldn’t place my finger on exactly what it was, but figured it could be exhaust or something like that and didn’t think much more about it.  I picked up my second doughnut and spotted something green on the white cardboard backer.  I smelt the doughnur and realized what I’d been smelling.  I checked the date on the wrapper and this little gut bombs had expired back in April!  I went back inside and told the guy working the counter he needs to check his dates and, of course, he offered me a replacement.  I grabbed another package, checked the date, and left.  Thankfully nothing came of it that I couldn’t handle.  A couple extra bathroom stops, but nothing to keep me from riding.

While I was in the parking lot an older gentleman in a minivan started asking me about my trip.  I gave him the same story I always do and he shared how he road a five speed Raleigh back in the day all over Europe.  He also expressed some interest in my kit.  While serving in the military he had a buddy, who recently passed away, who always called him “Swanny” based on his middle name “Swan”.  When he saw my Swanny’s kit he hoped that he might be able to get a shirt or something with it on there.  I got his full name, address, and shirt size and told him that I would send him a Swanny’s t-shirt once I got back to Vegas.

A few hours later I would finally find a place to stop in Bodega Bay. I walked into The Tides Wharf & Restaurant looking for breakfast, but the quit serving it at 11:30 so lunch it was. I went with the fish tacos and a nice hot cup of coffee. It was so nice.

I neared Points Reyes Station and instead of making a left to go on to camp I continued straight on CA-1 to go into town. I knew this was the last town before my camp and I wanted to pick up some dinner. I prefer to bring dinner to camp versus getting to camp and going back out.

I went all the way through town looking for a place before finally settling on Whale of A Deli. I played it safe and got a Club Sandwich with a bag of chips, root beer, Gatorade, and four cookies. I put everything in the sling bag I carry, threw it over my shoulder, and of we went for camp.

I was cruising along when I needed to make a turn onto a trail to eventually take me to camp. Just before the turn there was a sign saying, “Historic Bridge Closed to Vehicle Traffic”. I was intrigued as it was right where I needed to go. I made my turn and saw this cool old bridge. Of course I had to stop and get some pictures.

Just beyond the bridge started the Cross Marin Trail. What a beautiful little rail-to-trail project this turned out to be. The asphalt wasn’t the greatest at all times but was easily rideable. I even spotted a pair of cyclists coming the other direction. I knew this trail would take me all the way in to camp so I just sat up, relaxed, and enjoyed the leisurely ride all the way in.

Once I was in camp I did all my typical chores before settling down to enjoy my dinner. While I was eating another cyclist ride in named Jason. He had been doing a two day trip/loop in the surrounding hills. We chatted for a bit before he finished setting up his camp and leaving to go find dinner in Lagunitas. Not to long after two more cyclists, a man and woman, show up. Then two more gentlemen a short time later. This was the busiest hike/bike site yet on this trip with six cyclists total.

Much to my chagrin I only learned Jason’s name out of the whole group. This despite helping the second gentlemen to roll in get his rear flat squared away. He said he’d had a slow leak all day and wanted to fix it before the morning. At some point I offered the use of my hand pump to save them from burning a CO2. He would be glad he did because after patching the tube it failed to hold so he had to swap in another tube. That would have burned two CO2s right there.

We were all gathered around the only picnic table in the hike/bike area. It was annoying only having one table, but at the same time it forced us all to come together and hang out. We all chatted while this one rider worked on that rear puncture. That’s the reason for the lack of an update last night. Instead of retreating into my phone and being antisocial, I put it down and actually talked with people. I know it’s crazy!

So that about wraps up the day. Big day crossing the Golden Gate and San Francisco tomorrow. I can’t wait!

New bike fund: $5.81 (+$0.00)
70.84 new miles — From
Cloudy-Partly sunny, 52°F-61°F, Feels like 57°F-66°F, Humidity 97%-76%, Wind SSW 2mph-WSW 7mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 1.5%
Headwind: 37% @ 2.3-13.9mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 7m 10s
Air Speed: 12.1mph
Temp: 53.8-65.4°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 73.37 mi
Max elevation: 657 ft
Min elevation: 32 ft
Total climbing: 5272 ft
Total descent: -5470 ft
Average speed: 15.25 mi/h
Total time: 08:26:46
Published inCycling

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