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Commute Loop – 2023.11.30

Back on the Wandrer train and adding more miles to my commutes. I was pleasantly surprised with the stretch of Patrick between the Beltway and Decatur. It was a fun section to fly down with it having a slight downhill and smooth asphalt. Sure there were a couple rough sections near some major intersections, but once I was past those the road smoothed right out. Had decent grin on my face for most of it.

The rest of the ride in went well until Harmon. I was traveling east and a big rig pulled out in front of me from Lamar Court. I was able to get slowed up easily, but damn if it wasn’t frustrating. Honestly, it got me more angry than it should have and certainly put a damper on my morning.

I got a late start riding home because I got tied up with some minor work snafus, but once I got going it was smooth sailing. Riding close to 60 miles today was definitely testing the legs and stamina. I was certainly feeling it near the end of the ride. Funny how you can do 100 miles straight without issue, but break it up with a large 6-8 break in the middle and you feel every mile toward the end.

New bike fund: $33.39 (+$0.13)
12.19 new miles — From
520 vehicles @ 8.8 per mile, 2.3 per minute, Speeds: 34.9 mph (avg), 58.5 mph (max) — by
Clear-Cloudy, 42°F-57°F, Feels like 44°F-56°F, Humidity 49%-30%, Wind WSW 2mph-SW 4mph — by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 1.8%
Headwind: 59% @ 6.1-11.8mph
Longest Headwind: 09h 15m 58s
Air Speed: 16.3mph
Temp: 41.3-56.5°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 59.27 mi
Max elevation: 2955 ft
Min elevation: 1755 ft
Total climbing: 2467 ft
Total descent: -2483 ft
Average speed: 18.31 mi/h
Total time: 13:19:58
Published inCommuteCycling

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