We certainly got lucky on this one. I don’t think we could have asked for better weather on the first of January for a century ride. It started cool, but ended near perfect. Great way to start the year.
It was an unusual start to today’s ride because I chose to drive down instead of ride. Saturday’s ride really took a lot out of my legs and I wasn’t certain who would all be showing up today. Last thing I wanted was to ride down and then need to be driven home having over done it. Last night I reached out to Joy to see if she wanted to drive down to Pebble Marketplace with me and she agreed. I pulled up to her house much too early as we ended up at Pebble Marketplace at maybe 7:15 for an 8:00 start time. Gave Joy plenty enough time to get some coffee at Starbucks before we rolled out.
While Joy and I were getting ready back at the truck, several GVC members showed up getting ready for their New Year’s ride out to Boulder City. As we continued getting ready ole Mark Hyken rolled up. It seems that he’d rode down from his place and was planning on heading out with the GVCers. We had a nice quick conversation and tried to recruit him to the dark side with no success. A few minutes later Ferdie drove up and surprised us by saying that he was rolling out with us! Well a few minutes after that Mark came back over and it seems that Ferdie had recruited Mark to the dark side and the four of us, Ferdie, Joy, Mark, and I, would be smashing a century on the first day of the year.
Honestly there isn’t too much to report on the ride. The atmosphere of the ride was completely chill and casual. No big pulls or efforts to speak of. Ferdie lagged behind as we started riding through Lake Mead, but then again I can’t blame him considering it was his first century since some time last year. I was perfectly content to hang back and make sure he was still with us. I’d get out in front a little only to find some New Bike Fund money and have to stop. Then he’d go by.
I nearly forgot there was one running joke we started along the way. There were a few times that we went through either stop signs or traffic lights. At one point Ferdie was correctly pointing out that cross traffic didn’t stop. I’m not sure why, but after that the running joke became that Ferdie, being the former director of the club, was going to report us to the Adobo Velo heads. The joke got so out of control Mark and I nearly fell over with laughter as I said, “Yeah Ferdie is going to report, ‘This was the worst Adobo Velo ride I’ve ever been on in my life. We ran 3 traffic lights, 6 stop signs, nearly ran over two children on a bike path, and the leader stopped to help a drug addict find a vein.'” What made that even funnier is that nearly all happened; I drew the line at stopping to help the addict on Alta east of Shadow Ln. We also joked about how my “Adobo Velo Ride Leader” license is going to get suspended with all the demerits I was racking up.
Overall a great ride with a great group of folks. It was awesome to be riding with some of the OG Adobos.
New bike fund: $36.95 (+$0.60)
0.41 new miles — From Wandrer.earth
458 vehicles @ 5.1 per mile, 1.3 per minute, Speeds: 37.0 mph (avg), 64.3 mph (max) — from MyBikeTraffic.com
Partly sunny-Sunny, 44°F-60°F, Feels like 46°F-64°F, Humidity 73%-28%, Wind W 2mph-NNE 3mph — by Klimat.app
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 2.4%
Headwind: 45% @ 0.9-6mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 5m 12s
Air Speed: 15.3mph
Temp: 44.8-59.6°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Max elevation: 3573 ft
Min elevation: 1325 ft
Total climbing: 5457 ft
Total descent: -5385 ft
Average speed: 17.89 mi/h
Total time: 08:15:20
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