Decided to go out for a lunch ride that would involve the “big hill” on Democracy. The big hill is one thing that has held me back from starting rides from my home. Almost any ride I go on I get to start with this huge burst of speed down to the valley floor, but to get home requires climbing Democracy. There have been times in the past the climb has made me so ill that once I got home I curled up into a ball and sat for an hour before I recovered. Thankfully this time I took it slow and steady and made it home none the worse for wear.
Total distance: 23.58 mi
Max elevation: 3236 ft
Min elevation: 2444 ft
Total climbing: 1354 ft
Total descent: -1327 ft
Average speed: 15.99 mi/h
Total time: 01:46:09
Max elevation: 3236 ft
Min elevation: 2444 ft
Total climbing: 1354 ft
Total descent: -1327 ft
Average speed: 15.99 mi/h
Total time: 01:46:09
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