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Well that was unexpected

After yesterday’s disaster of an ending to an epic double century, I can’t believe that I went out and rode today. I’d been tossing around the idea of a recovery ride, but after being sick I took a “wait and see” attitude. Funny thing is I woke up feeling great, relatively speaking.

While I sat there in bed waking up, Kant rolled over and said a good morning. I mentioned that I think I’m getting up to get in a recovery ride and asked if he was up for it. I was surprised when he said he was. I fired up Garmin Connect on the phone and had it draw up a quick and easy route for us. After making only a few minor modifications the route was set. We did send out a message to the rest of the group saying we would be leaving in the next half hour or so and where to meet if there were any takers.

Kant and I weren’t too surprised that no one decided to join in on our idea of fun. We set off and had a great little trip around Bishop. Part of our route covered some of the previous day’s ride albeit in an opposite direction. We kept it nice and chill and I even had to remind Kant at one point to take it easy.

Nice little way to end the weekend trip to Bishop. The entire ride took about an hour and we got back with plenty of time to get dressed, packed, and head out to breakfast with the rest of the gang.

New bike fund: $61.38 (+$0.25)
👏 8.98 new miles — From
26 vehicles @ 1.9 per mile, 0.4 per minute, Speeds: 37.8 mph (avg), 61.3 mph (max) — by
Give your activities the names they deserve. — by
Mostly cloudy-Mostly sunny, 60°F-62°F, Feels like 59°F-64°F, Humidity 42%-40%, Wind WNW 5mph-W 4mph — by Report —
Weather Impact: -0.4%
Headwind: 48% @ 3.8-16.1mph
Longest Headwind: 27m 29s
Air Speed: 13.9mph
Temp: 54.1-63.3°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 13.54 mi
Max elevation: 4495 ft
Min elevation: 4117 ft
Total climbing: 450 ft
Total descent: -483 ft
Average speed: 14.70 mi/h
Total time: 01:00:10
Published inCycling

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