Nice quick ride down the hill to my regular Friday breakfast spot. Was joined by Moose which was a welcome addition after a week’s absence.
Riding along St. Rose approaching the 215 on ramp I spotted a coin in the gore area and turned around to nab it. Went back for what I thought was one coin, but it turned out to be four! Bonus! Since I picked up another Euro coin I’ve decided to include all identified currency in my New Bike Fund updates. So far I’ve found Euros (€), Philippine Pesos (₱), and Armenian Dram (֏). There is one additional coin I’ve been unable to identify at this point.
As I sat at the intersection of Pecos and Warm Springs, a nice gent pulled up next to me and asked about my wheels which led into a nice chat. He brought up crazy drivers to which I replied, “It’s funny but I’d say for every jerk driver there is more than one good driver who makes up for it. I know I’ve had several drivers slow back there at those train tracks when I’ve waved to get into the turn lane.” We continued to chit chat for a bit longer before wishing each other happy holidays as our lights turned green.
Coming to McLeod and Patrick, I had to make a left onto Patrick as McLeod is still closed for construction. In the past I would have continued west to Topaz and then gone north to join Hacienda. I made a quick stop in a parking lot to see if I could just continue west on Patrick and after seeing it bends around to Russel I opted for that route instead. It turned out pretty nice actually. Patrick looped around to Surrey which took me north to Hacienda. The road was even a little bit better to be totally honest, and route I’d take again if needed.
The ride home was relatively uneventful. The high point came near St. Rose and the 215 again, similarly to the ride in the morning. Unfortunately, this time it was some random stranger in a while Toyota 4-Runner yelling out “Faggot” as they went by. It didn’t really bother me too much. Just kinda disappointing considering the time of year. However, by the time I cleared Paseo Verde, I recalled my conversation from the morning and remembered that most of the interactions I’ve had with drivers have been overall positive and I shouldn’t let one bad one get me down or cloud my view of all drivers.
The remainder of the ride home was uneventful which is nice. I have to rush to get dinner in and hit the sack early in order to be up early to ride over to West Tech for the start of tomorrow’s ride.
New bike fund: $78.18 (+$0.61), €0.52 (+€0.50), ₱10.00 (+₱)0.00, ֏10.00 (+֏0.00)
302 vehicles @ 8.3 per mile, 2.2 per minute, Speeds: 34.8 mph (avg), 54.2 mph (max) — by
Mostly sunny-Clear, 46°F-60°F, Feels like 47°F-61°F, Humidity 44%-21%, Wind SW 2mph-SSE 2mph — by
— Report —
Weather Impact™: 2.8%
Headwind: 55% @ 2.7 – 8.6 mph
Longest Headwind: 08h 48m 33s
Air Speed: 16.9 mph
Temp: 43.8-59.2 °F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 3024 ft
Min elevation: 1909 ft
Total climbing: 1789 ft
Total descent: -1804 ft
Average speed: 19.81 mi/h
Total time: 12:19:09
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