I was a little nervous about commuting today. While watching the morning news the weather kept talking about rain coming into the valley with the greatest chance of rain being in the morning. I kept watching the weather reports while I started getting ready. The radar images weren’t showing any rain in the valley and it was certainly dry at the house. I even took a chance and left the fenders at home. Thankfully it worked out and there wasn’t a drop out of the sky all the way into work.
Making my way through campus I looked to the south and spotted a runner making their way my direction. I did a double take and was surprised to see it was Terri Buryanova! I’ve seen her making several trips through campus during her morning runs over the past year, or more, and kept hoping I’d run into her one day. Well today was that day. We had a little chit chat and visit outside the new Hospitality Hall building before saying our goodbyes. She still had a few more miles to log, and I needed to get to work.
After a quiet day at work it was time for the ride home, which went well. I can tell the days are getting longer because there is still some daylight out when I’m leaving work now. The extra light makes things a little more fun and less nerve wracking. More fun because I can see, and less nerve wracking because I know I can be more easily seen. Overall, the entire ride was relatively chill because the legs are still feeling a little sleepy after this weekend’s ride.
New bike fund: $83.69 (+$0.60), €0.52 (+€0.00), ₱10.00 (+₱0.00), ֏10.00 (+֏0.00)
396 vehicles @ 9.9 per mile, 2.6 per minute, Speeds: 35.9 mph (avg), 60.7 mph (max) — by MyBikeTraffic.com
Mostly cloudy-Mostly cloudy, 44°F-53°F, Feels like 41°F-53°F, Humidity 38%-28%, Wind NE 5mph-S 3mph — by Klimat.app
— myWindsock.com Report —
Weather Impact™: 9%
Headwind: 75% @ 3.5 – 8.9 mph
Longest Headwind: 10h 2m 27s
Air Speed: 16.9 mph
Temp: 42.7-49.4 °F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 3062 ft
Min elevation: 1900 ft
Total climbing: 1730 ft
Total descent: -1751 ft
Average speed: 18.91 mi/h
Total time: 11:47:39
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