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Commute Loop – 2025.02.24

Finally back on the bike after no riding over the weekend. I had a family trip down to Rancho Cucamonga and due to family event scheduling I couldn’t get in a beach ride. Certainly a bummer, but also not the end of the world either.

I was feeling rather good this morning. The legs certainly weren’t awake enough when I was pushing along Democracy before Via Inspirada. They were a little better along Las Vegas Blvd however.

The ride home started with a gong show along Flamingo. Two of three eastbound lanes were closed before Desert Springs Hospital. I don’t know why they were closed, but thankfully the asphalt wasn’t torn up so I was in the clear to ride in the closed lanes. Truly thankful for that because the folks driving were certainly getting antsy due to the delay.

I ran into another delay at Pecos Ridge and Eastern. Traffic continuing south to Anthem Parkway was backed up on Eastern all the way back to near Summit Grove. This meant one or two cars making the right turn onto Eastern at a time. Instead of just jumping to the front, I hung back and took turns with traffic like a car. I figured if I jumped the line it would just enrage someone going my direction. This would at least give them one less reason to hit me.

Solid rides and certainly enjoying the warmer temps. I started the day with both leg and arm warmers and finished with neither. Looking forward to tomorrow when I’ll hopefully need neither. I hope the spring temperatures hang around for a while instead of going full tilt into summer’s blistering heat.

New bike fund: $86.90 (+$0.03), €1.52 (+€0.00), ₱10.00 (+₱0.00), ֏10.00 (+֏0.00)
343 total shifts, 23 front, 320 rear. 78.4% of the ride in the big ring, 21.6% in the small ring. Most time spent in 52×17, 18.4% — by
356 vehicles @ 8.8 per mile, 2.5 per minute, Speeds: 36.4 mph (avg), 65.1 mph (max) — by
Sunny-Mostly clear, 47°F-73°F, Feels like 48°F-73°F, Humidity 31%-13%, Wind SSW 2mph-E 2mph — by Report —
Weather Impact™: 2.1%
Headwind: 57% @ 2.3 – 9.6 mph
Longest Headwind: 09h 24m 53s
Air Speed: 18.7 mph
Temp: 47.7-73.7 °F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 40.58 mi
Max elevation: 3068 ft
Min elevation: 1919 ft
Total climbing: 1755 ft
Total descent: -1778 ft
Average speed: 21.86 mi/h
Total time: 11:57:25
Published inCommuteCycling

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