You may be looking at the map and wondering, “Why isn’t this tagged or named as a commute?” I decided to give my regular commute route a rip on the road bike. I wanted to get an idea of the differences in the two bikes, and boy is there.
The Domane just wants to go. Normally this ride takes me a total of 2.5 hours and that’s with an 8 hour rest in there. Today I went down, turned around, and rode straight back with no break. Shaved 20-30 minutes off the normal time. Also picked up a couple LLs along the way.
I really love having both bikes. I’m trying to commute Monday thru Thursday, recover on Friday, and ride on the road bike on Saturday and Sunday. I consider the weekend rides my “Cycling Dessert”.
Clear, 76°F, Feels like 76°F, Humidity 24%, Wind 9mph from SW – by
Give your activities the names they deserve. – by
Max elevation: 3012 ft
Min elevation: 2049 ft
Total climbing: 1724 ft
Total descent: -1749 ft
Average speed: 17.99 mi/h
Total time: 02:19:19
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