Drizzle? Seriously? Maybe when I left UNLV, but by the time I reached Coronado Center Drive it was a full on deluge. I’m talking cats and dogs out there. The wind got so bad I moved to the opposite side of the road to use the homes as a wind break, which worked out well.
To get an idea of how bad it was look at the elevation chart. It’s showing a 500 ft bump in less than a half mile, and that bump just simply isn’t there. The barometric pressure dropped so fast that it caused the computer to think I climbed 500 ft in elevation!
Knowing Vegas weather, I knew that if I could tough it out for 5, maybe 10 minutes max, I’d be in the clear and that was true. Once I made my left onto a small connector to Horizon Ridge, the rain had all but stopped. By that time it didn’t really matter as I was drenched to the bone.
I had the wife on standby if I needed her to come get me, but thankfully that didn’t happen. I stuck it out and finished up strong. Happy to have made it home without any major incidents.
Drizzle, 97°F, Feels like 97°F, Humidity 14%, Wind 14mph from S – by Klimat.app
Max elevation: 2833 ft
Min elevation: 1921 ft
Total climbing: 1801 ft
Total descent: -969 ft
Average speed: 12.12 mi/h
Total time: 01:39:53
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