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Rides on 2020.10.04

Use muscles, not motors (Ride there)

Another quick ride to watch the kiddo do her horseback riding lessons. Felt really good this morning and again a little chilly. Think I may have to pull the arm warmers out on tomorrow morning’s commute. Favorite part of the ride was the wife and kiddo driving by screaming words of encouragement.

Clear, 63°F, Feels like 63°F, Humidity 6%, Wind 4mph from W – by
Give your activities the names they deserve. – by

Watch Your Mouth, Kid, Or You’re Gonna Find Yourself Floating Home (Ride home)

Once again racing home to beat the worst of the heat. Felt like I took the first half easy to save myself for the second half which has all the climbs. I’m surprised to see all the PRs on the first half and none on the second.

Then again there was that white SUV I had to PASS. He pulled onto Somerset Hills fine enough so I just tucked in behind him to pull a bit of a draft expecting him to accelerate away. Nope. Guy stays steady hovering around 25 then starts to slow for no obvious reason. Nothing like putting down several hundred watts to go around someone.

Clear, 76°F, Feels like 76°F, Humidity 3%, Wind 3mph from NE – by
Give your activities the names they deserve. – by

Total distance: 34.56 mi
Max elevation: 3121 ft
Min elevation: 2341 ft
Total climbing: 1835 ft
Total descent: -1885 ft
Average speed: 17.69 mi/h
Total time: 03:39:55

Published inCycling

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