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Morning Commute – 2020.11.17

Alarm went off this morning at 5 am and my first thought was, “Why am I doing this to myself?” Despite that I forced my feet to the floor and climbed into the shower. Once I started moving and waking up I started feeling much better and ready to get the day moving.

Today was another easy ride in, and the weather was nice. Watching the morning forecast it looks like there will be winds of 10 MPH with gusts to 30 MPH out of the south for the commute home. Not entirely sure if I’ll be riding tomorrow or not. I also have a dentist appointment which would only add maybe six more miles to my commute home. Decisions decisions.

Clear, 49°F, Feels like 48°F, Humidity 29%, Wind 3mph from WSW – by

Total distance: 16.73 mi
Max elevation: 3037 ft
Min elevation: 2023 ft
Total climbing: 362 ft
Total descent: -1282 ft
Total time: 01:04:33

Published inCommuteCycling

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