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I’m loving it.

They say life has its highs and its lows, well today exemplified that.

Went on down to Lifetime Fitness to join in on Lifetime Ride and the Southern Nevada Bicycle Coalition‘s (SNVBC) Ride Safe Social after. Instead of loading up the car just rode on down and made it with plenty of time to spare.

We got started and were just flying up Paseo Verde. Considering how fast we’re going I’m feeling really good. I mean really really good. Then of course disaster strikes as I hit something and immediately got a flat. I get off on the sidewalk and get to work straight away. Took me about 10 minutes to fix but by then I’m absolutely alone. I had no idea what the route was supposed to be so at this point I’m feeling low and thinking, “What a way to experience my first group ride. Guess I’ll just peel off and do my own thing.”

As luck would have it a guy named Rey on a tri-bike went by and I could see he’d gone up to Gibson and hung a left. I told myself, “If you can catch him he may know where the group is going and you can catch them up.” I punched it, flew up Paseo Verde to Gibson, and started down the hill. Thankfully, Rey hit the next light and was just getting started as I rolled up next to him. As we talked he’d run a little late but got the route from someone at Lifetime so we set off to catch the group.

We got the group as they were coming back from Lake Las Vegas along Galleria, and at the next left turn lane we flipped a u-turn and rejoined the pack. I left Rey off with some of his riding buddies and took off to catch up to the lead group where I stayed until we got back to Lifetime.

Once back at Lifetime, the SNVBC had Crazy Pita setup for everyone to grab some food while also hosting a raffle and silent auction. A few minutes after I arrived, Rey and his buddies rolled up and we got to hang out enjoying some good food before we all decided to ride home.

Clear sky, 65°F, Feels like 55°F, Humidity 25%, Wind 11mph from SSW – by
Give your activities the names they deserve. – by

Total distance: 34.75 mi
Max elevation: 2964 ft
Min elevation: 1530 ft
Total climbing: 1297 ft
Total descent: -2053 ft
Average speed: 20.83 mi/h
Total time: 02:46:47

Published inCyclingGreen Valley Lifetime

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