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Evening Commute and a Visit With The 🦢 – 2021.09.10

Left work early to swing by Swanny‘s to take their only 32mm Gatorskin. The boys were nice enough to swap out the rear real quick. The old tire had a small hole in the sidewall that the boys had put an internal patch on that’s been holding a treat but the hole itself looked like it was starting to widen. Better safe than sorry.

Ride home was nice. Felt really good before the stop at Swanny’s but the heat picked back up 10 degrees while I was stopped. Once I restarted it was back up near 100 with a breeze. Thankfully I was well over half way home so just grinned and beared it.

Partly sunny-Thunderstorm, 94°F-93°F, Feels like 95°F-91°F, Humidity 32%-24%, Wind ESE 10mph-ESE 7mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -0.5%
Headwind: 85% @ 4.6-17.3mph
Longest Headwind: 37m 8s
Air Speed: 16.1mph
Temp: 96.3-98.8°F
Precip: 23% @ 0.54 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 18.15 mi
Max elevation: 3637 ft
Min elevation: 2705 ft
Total climbing: 1338 ft
Total descent: -486 ft
Average speed: 15.73 mi/h
Total time: 01:51:02

Published inCommuteCycling

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