What’s this another half commute, AND along the old route? WTF is going on?!
Well, don’t really have a car anymore. The kiddo got her license last weekend and has been using my car to get to and from school. Then tonight is another UNLV basketball game and the kiddo should be joining me here on campus after school similarly to Tuesday, 1/11. Finally, on Friday’s I spoil myself with breakfast at Scrambled on St. Rose near Coronado Center Dr. which explains riding the old route.
I must say that I enjoy me new commute route over the old one. Avoiding the St. Rose/Pecos and 215 intersection is awesome. Too many impatient people along that stretch. Traveling northbound there are five lanes; three continue north and two are right turn onto 215 only. I was in the right most thru lane and watched a guy come around me on the left and swing all the way over to the right in order to make the turn onto 215. I’d love to say it was an isolated incident, but I’ve seen that exact type of driving numerous times both on the bike and when driving through that area. None of that insanity on the new route.
The other thing I noticed this morning is how much of a pain a left turn is. Original route has five left turns. The worst being the left from Pecos onto Warm Springs followed by the left from McLeod onto Harmon. New route only has three, all of which are in the Anthem area along mostly sleepy roads. Removes some of the stress of trying to move across travel lanes with impatient drivers.
Partly sunny-Partly sunny, 46°F-45°F, Feels like 47°F-46°F, Humidity 47%-43%, Wind WNW 3mph-SSW 5mph – by Klimat.app
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 3.3%
Headwind: 79% @ 5-7.7mph
Longest Headwind: 36m 32s
Air Speed: 19.9mph
Temp: 42.3-45.7°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 2961 ft
Min elevation: 1909 ft
Total climbing: 408 ft
Total descent: -1377 ft
Average speed: 21.83 mi/h
Total time: 01:33:49
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