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She bit me! Ow! She did it again! It’s like Twilight back here!

Three day weekend and my father-in-law’s birthday means a trip to SoCal for the weekend. Ask everyone if I could bring the bike and go for a ride and got the green light.

Last time I brought the bike I did a very similar route. Pretty much stuck to the San Gabriel River trail the entire time. Wanted to do something similar but not exactly the same. Saw Louie Rivera’s ride from the 15th and, combined with my previous ride, it looked perfect!

The ride was great. Weather was dang near perfect. Once down to Long Beach just noodled around the marina. If I didn’t know better I would have thought I was on a beach cruiser. Worked my way over to Seal Beach to stop for coffee and pastry at Bogart’s Coffee Shop. It’s the same shop I stopped at last time I rode down.

Ride back was great. Not sure where all my speed came from, but just felt like I was flying. Once I got off the San Gabriel Trail I started to fade. Honestly, not sure if I had a mini bonk or the legs were just done. Pulled off at a gas station in Glendora for a break and snacks. A couple bottles of Gatorade, sweets, and 30 minutes later I was good to conquer the final 16 miles to my in-laws house.

Give your activities the names they deserve. – by
Sunny-Sunny, 48°F-77°F, Feels like 49°F-72°F, Humidity 40%-10%, Wind NE 5mph-N 0mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -2%
Headwind: 31% @ 1.1-9.4mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 9m 48s
Air Speed: 17mph
Temp: 53.5-77.5°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 131.8 mi
Max elevation: 1692 ft
Min elevation: 41 ft
Total climbing: 4891 ft
Total descent: -4773 ft
Average speed: 18.83 mi/h
Total time: 09:23:05
Published inCycling

One Comment

  1. […] Distance: 829.54 Miles Total Ride Time: 47:11:20 (H:M:S) Longest Ride: 131.56 Miles – ‘She bit me! Ow! She did it again! It’s like Twilight back here!‘ Calories Burned: 33,763 Total Elevation Gain: 32,526 ft Average Speed: 17.6 MPH Average […]

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