Can’t believe it’s already Friday again. The weeks are going by in a blur lately. Was surprised at noon on Monday with a reminder that UNLV’s Spring Break starts Monday.
Going to miss mornings like today’s. I left with temps below 40 and dressed like I normally would have. I failed to remember that the sun would be up when I left the house and what a difference that makes. By the time I made it to breakfast I was cooking. I was able to shed a couple layers for breakfast allowing me to cool down some before continuing on to work.
The mild afternoon and feeling warmer than expected this morning I was worried about overheating on the way home. Thankfully losing an extra layer, using thinner gloves, ditching the neck gaiter, and keeping the jersey open kept me cool enough for the ride home.
Still feeling good on the bike. Then again I think I should be considering I’ve only commuted twice this week due to the combination of weather and family obligations. Looking forward to a nice group ride tomorrow followed with a break on Sunday before picking up the commutes next week.
T-Minus 63 days until PCBR.
Partly sunny-Clear, 38°F-59°F, Feels like 38°F-59°F, Humidity 19%-9%, Wind NNE 3mph-ESE 4mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 4.5%
Headwind: 70% @ 3.8-13.9mph
Longest Headwind: 08h 38m 15s
Air Speed: 18.2mph
Temp: 36.4-56.6°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 3005 ft
Min elevation: 1887 ft
Total climbing: 1837 ft
Total descent: -1795 ft
Average speed: 19.57 mi/h
Total time: 11:32:56
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