As difficult as it is to get out early in the cold mornings, sometimes the sunrise really puts on a show like it did today. I was going through my morning bike prep work when I looked up and say the sky getting orange. I took a few minutes to walk across the street and snap a couple pics.
One thing I’m really enjoying about my Wandrer miles is all the interesting things I come across while riding. Today it was this random cul-de-sac that was in the middle of nowhere. There was no asphalt leading up to it and only half of it was complete. I had to stop and snap a pic to share.
I was taking in the “sights” while riding through a light industrial area when I spy some famous golden arches (Google Map Link). Found out later it’s the local franchise headquarters. On another street I see a business named “Hoshizaki America” and think to myself “WTF is that?!” Just read that they make commercial ice makers and refrigeration units. After seeing all these crazy things I was just ear to ear smiles with this adventure in my own backyard.
Great rides today despite the cold. Left work a little earlier than usual with permission from the boss. Would have left even earlier if I didn’t have an unknown to me student working in one of my labs. If something would have happened to them I would have felt awful if they reached out to me and I never answered because I was on the bike. Now for a couple days off work, but do have a group ride tomorrow followed by my usual breakfast ride on Friday. After that, no clue.
10.28 new miles — From
Mostly cloudy-Clear, 39°F-62°F, Feels like 39°F-62°F, Humidity 38%-15%, Wind WSW 2mph-ENE 3mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 4.1%
Headwind: 46% @ 3.4-8.5mph
Longest Headwind: 31m 35s
Air Speed: 16.9mph
Temp: 40.1-59.9°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 2970 ft
Min elevation: 1969 ft
Total climbing: 1877 ft
Total descent: -1920 ft
Average speed: 18.23 mi/h
Total time: 11:30:48
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