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Breakfast Commute – 2023.01.06

Beautiful day for commuting.

One of the things I love about adding on Wandrer miles is when I find new and unique things around town. Today I found this old barn in the middle of town! It was east of Pecos along Five Pennies Lane. I just had to stop and snap a pic.

8.65 new miles — From
Sunny-Clear, 42°F-52°F, Feels like 45°F-55°F, Humidity 73%-56%, Wind NW 2mph-E 3mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 4.1%
Headwind: 45% @ 3.2-6.6mph
Longest Headwind: 14m 27s
Air Speed: 16.2mph
Temp: 37.9-49.6°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 45.45 mi
Max elevation: 2965 ft
Min elevation: 1904 ft
Total climbing: 1981 ft
Total descent: -2003 ft
Total time: 11:54:21
Published inCommuteCycling

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