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Half Commute – 2023.01.11

Late yesterday afternoon I was looking at my schedule for the remainder of the week and my commuting opportunities were looking slim. I was really hurting for some mileage after having to skip Monday, had to take dog to the vet, and Tuesday, due to weather.

I seriously considered skipping today because the daughter and I have a UNLV basketball game tonight. Skipping today would have left Thursday and Friday, but I’m not terribly fond of commuting on back-to-back days anymore. Riding those two days would also make me miserable for a group ride Saturday. Decided I’d just do a half commute today and throw in some Wandrer miles to extend things a little.

11.21 new miles — From
Mostly cloudy-Mostly cloudy, 40°F-40°F, Feels like 43°F-42°F, Humidity 75%-67%, Wind SW 2mph-WNW 6mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 3.8%
Headwind: 33% @ 3.2-4.9mph
Longest Headwind: 6m 11s
Air Speed: 16.5mph
Temp: 37.4-40.9°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 33.75 mi
Max elevation: 2984 ft
Min elevation: 1829 ft
Total climbing: 842 ft
Total descent: -1871 ft
Average speed: 18.37 mi/h
Total time: 02:07:01

Published inCommuteCycling

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