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Come on, Rory! It isn’t rocket science, it’s just quantum physics!

A day late and a dollar short is better than nothing!

Honestly not a crazy lot to talk about with this one. Things started out pretty chill up and through Boulder City. Was with the lead group along Lakeshore but I knew I couldn’t keep up with the big dogs so I fell back a little and pulled some others along. I stopped at the summit of the big Northshore climb to make sure no one fell too far back.

As our small group made the left on to Lake Mead Blvd we saw another ride out ahead of us. We yelled and whistled to try to get their attention to make the turn but they never heard us. Thinking it was another rider not with our group we made our turn and continued on. Cut to a few minutes and miles later and my head unit lights up with an incoming call from Kenny Phan. I have the unit send a quick text reply while I get safely pulled off the road. As I wave everyone past I dig out my phone and call him back. It seems that he was the long rider who continued on and he called me after getting to the top of a climb and not seeing any other riders. Realizing his mistake he started to double back and I told him I’d wait at the guard shack. Took him about 10-15 minutes to meet up with me, but he’d burnt several, if not an entire book of, matches to get there quick. We started off and I told him to just follow my wheel. I kept cheering him on and we proceeded to make the big climb up the backside of Frenchman. Then we got to enjoy the sweet sweet descent to the Green Valley Grocery on the corner of Los Feliz.

After a quick break, three Zingers, and a bottle of Gatorade we set off. Some of the riders had been waiting for nearly 30 minutes for us to roll up. I was busy trying to finish my Gatorade as everyone rolled out. I finished my drink and then set off to catch up. Unfortunately, I hit a few reds and had to really work my tail off to catch up to them. Eventually I did and even took a nice pull along the southern portion of Hollywood.

After going through Wetlands Park we regrouped one last time on Broadbent. I eventually got separated from the lead group by catching a couple red lights. Then the final five or so of us stopped to help with a flat repair.

Rolled into Pebble Marketplace and found Caleb, Dave, Moose, and Joy ready to roll out to head home. Mark was heading straight home while Kenny was getting a ride from his wife. The five of us flew down Pebble to LVB and continued our flight up LVB to Starr. At Starr, Moose took a left to head home while the four of us had a little pow wow to discuss our plans. Dave decided to head west on Starr to start his return home. Caleb decided to join Joy and I for a bit longer for some extra miles.

Now our group of three made a nice run up Raiders Way and on to Via Inspirada. As we cleared the Bicentennial dog bone, Caleb came up along side and said thanks for all the route help and that he’d see us later. He pulled around up and started to put some power on. Funny thing though is he was ripping through one of the round-a-bouts and dumped one of his bottles and had to stop. Joy and I didn’t realize what was going on so we stopped to make sure he got everything collected up before we all rolled on.

I shared directions one last time for Caleb to make sure that he would make it back to Mountains Edge Park without issue and after that he was gone. Joy even piped up asking if I wanted to stay with that wheel and I replied I’d need 300 watts to just hold on.

Joy and I made a decent run down LVB into a stiff breeze. At Volunteer and Via Inspirada we parted ways both satisfied that we’d already cleared 100 miles. I continued east on Volunteer while she went south on Via Inspirada.

After leaving Joy I just had a quick run across Volunteer to a climb up Hampton and Alyssa Jade. Pretty bone standard.

Overall pretty solid ride today. In hindsight wasn’t really feeling solid or consistent. The start was nice and chill so no biggie there. Had a solid Georgia climb effort on Caleb’s tail, but honestly didn’t feel like I had much in the tank after that. Maybe pulling Kenny along Lake Mead served as recovery and after my Zingers and Gatorade I crushed it down Hollywood? Maybe I’m just in my own head, but it’s frustrating watching riders pull away especially when you feel you should be able to stay with them. Then again maybe it was just a bad day.

Sadly the week ahead doesn’t look very promising for commuting with lots of wind forecast; however, heading to SoCal this weekend which means beach ride!! Woot woot!! Looking forward to it.

2.95 new miles — From
Give your activities the names they deserve. – by
Cloudy-Sunny, 44°F-62°F, Feels like 45°F-68°F, Humidity 33%-16%, Wind S 2mph-E 5mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 2.9%
Headwind: 48% @ 3.2-12.4mph
Longest Headwind: 43m 37s
Air Speed: 17.8mph
Temp: 40.5-59.3°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 105.13 mi
Max elevation: 3070 ft
Min elevation: 1241 ft
Total climbing: 5940 ft
Total descent: -5820 ft
Average speed: 20.04 mi/h
Total time: 07:38:55

Published inAdobo VeloCycling

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