I love the opportunity to do the Red Rock Loop because it happens so infrequently. I started the day with the intention of doing big miles after the official ride. I had a map drawn up with some Wandrer extra credit included if I got some alone time.
I rode down to Anthem Hills Park and met Mark there bright and early. Him and I had a nice ride over to the west side. Got to chit chat a bunch and get caught up some. We made a quick stop at Mountains Edge park to pick up a couple riders who were joining us to Pedal & Pour.
Official ride got started a few minutes late. Had a nice ride up Grand Canyon. During that section I was chatting with David Burns talking about his DC experience down in Hemet. Sounds like everything went well all things considered, but they certainly could have been better. I’d been batting around the idea of making Hemet my first DC, but I decided against it. I’m pretty sure I’m ready for a DC, but I have other cycling priorities for this year. Maybe next year I can finally pull the trigger on a DC.
We made it to the Flamingo intersection and I done messed up the transition to the 215 Beltway Trail. I dove deep into the Chick-fil-A parking lot and started east fully thinking there would be another road entrance which would allow me back onto the sidewalk. Then I’d ride the sidewalk onto the trail. Well I’m a bonehead and didn’t realize that wasn’t the case. Oopsie! Yeah I’m a moron. Thankfully I was able to manage to get things kinda back on track without too much trouble.
Riding along the Beltway Trail was nice and steady. Really felt like everyone was in a chill mood. We made good progress and just before Alta I jumped out in front in order to activate the crossing lights. When the group caught up I was able to wave them all into traffic without them having to worry about oncoming traffic. Once the last rider was through I sprinted up Alta to get in front to make sure that the group made the turn onto Park Vista. We weaved our way around the west Summerlin neighborhood until descended back to NV-159 to ride out to Calico Basin and the Loop.
The ride up 159 was pretty crazy. We were riding alongside several of the Tour de Summerlin riders and they were EVERYWHERE. Jon did a great job of navigating all the slower riders and pulled a handful of us along until the right turn to head for Calico Basin. For that segment I just made sure to keep locked onto Caleb’s wheel. Last thing I wanted was for some TdS rider to jump in between us and causing an accident.
Thankfully we made the turn to Calico Basin without incident. I made sure to yell that Adobos were turning right and Summerlin riders were going straight. Would hate to be the unknowing TdS rider thinking we were TdS riders as well and follow us out.
Calico Basin was pretty cool. Today was my first time riding out to there. We were talking along the way about the nice houses and I joke that it won’t be too long before those large estates will be sold, sub-divided, and entirely new communities will sprout up out there. It’s a damn shame because it’s such a beautiful area. We did get to enjoy a nice rest at the end of the road and watched visitors attempt to navigate the cramped parking area for Kraft Mount Trail.
Regrouped, we set out for the loop. The place was certainly busy which shouldn’t come as a surprise considering it was Earth Day and a fee free entrance day. Once we cleared the entrance gates a solid pack started heading off up the road. I decided to hang back, take it easy, and take in the scenery some. Last time I rode in Red Rock I went gang busters really putting in an effort to hang with the group and I really didn’t want to do that this time. I guess I was riding so leisurely that Mark even rode up and asked if I was doing ok.
I did start to have issues with sweat in my eyes before the overlook which was really frustrating. I rolled into the overlook parking area and immediately yanked off my helmet and skull cap to allow them to dry off some. Also did my best of get all the sweat off from around my eyes. Nothing worse then to be grinding up a climb and have to be fighting burning eyes. We hung at the overlook for a few minutes waiting for the rest of the group. With the slight breeze and damp kit it started getting a little chilly, and I was happy to get rolling when it was time to go.
We rolled out for Willow Springs to snag a quick group picture before heading on to the exit. I will say that the winds were picking up a little out of the north and along the descent down 159 got kinda sketchy at one point. I was flying just over 45 MPH and went around an SUV. Just after that the hillside to my left, which had been screening some of the wind, came to an end leaving me unshielded from the wind. Suddenly the bike started getting VERY wobbly. I had to woah up considerably. It was so bad that I thought I’d gotten a flat. Thankfully once I slowed and the wind relented I continued on without issue.
By this time I was well off the back and the lead group was no where to be seen. I’m not sure why but I just wasn’t really feeling it. Physically I felt fine, but I just didn’t really have anything in my legs. As I turned onto 159 I had both Mark and Jennifer with me. I figured I’d start rolling and pull these guys over to 160. I felt good but I can’t really say if any numbers would support that. Mark did come around a couple times to give me a needed break. After one of these rotations I looked back and saw we’d dumped Jennifer. I didn’t realize that I’d been putting in that much work.
After a nice stop at what I call the Hangover Terrible’s we rode out for Pedal & Pour. At this point it felt like we were riding head long into a head wind. It was borderline misery. If you opened any gap you had to really put in an effort to get back on. I was in the back sweeping and looked forward to see what Jennifer had allowed a gap to open up. I came around in front of her to pull her and Mark the rest of the way to Fort Apache.
At Fort Apache, Mark had to turn right to return home. He had company in from out of town and needed to rush. There was a small group on Fort Apache ready to roll on to Fort Apache that Jennifer and I got hooked up with. We had a nice ride over to Pedal & Pour, but poor Stan was getting some awful cramps. I rolled up to him and handed over my container of salt for him to take a couple shots of to help. Not sure how well it worked, but he was able to make it to Pedal & Pour without any additional complaints.
As we rolled in to Pedal & Pour I was surprised at how many riders from the group were already there. I knew we were towards the back, but I didn’t think we were bringing up the rear. No matter, just meant when we arrived things were already getting underway for the BBQ that PnP was hosting in the parking lot. Robert brought out the Adobo Velo tents, tables, and chair and we all sat down, relaxed, and visited while enjoying some great food. It certainly hit the spot before having to leave about 30 minutes later for home.
All too soon it was time to roll for home. Ferdie had met Mark and I at Mountains Edge Park so the two of us and Henry rolled out together. Henry peeled off to go east on Warm Springs leaving Ferdie and I to roll through Mountains Edge. Ferdie peeled off just after turning onto Cactus leaving me to fly solo home.
I made my way over to the pedestrian bridge by Desert Oasis in order to start working my way through Southern Highlands. I fired up my previously created route and used it to log some Wandrer miles along the way. Worked out great. Pretty much have all the public roads south of Southern Highlands and Starr Hills covered now. Also went through and took care of Via Centro and Via Nobile after a nice break at the Green Valley Grocery on LVB and Volunteer.
All in all another great ride with great people. Had a nice evening stuffing my face with some El Pollo Loco the wife brought on her way from a Saturday at the office catching up.
17.13 new miles — From Wandrer.earth
Give your activities the names they deserve. – by Bandok.com
Mostly clear-Mostly sunny, 67°F-82°F, Feels like 65°F-88°F, Humidity 26%-13%, Wind NNE 5mph-NE 5mph – by Klimat.app
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 2.6%
Headwind: 58% @ 4-20.8mph
Longest Headwind: 45m 26s
Air Speed: 16.7mph
Temp: 64.4-80.1°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 4714 ft
Min elevation: 2310 ft
Total climbing: 6895 ft
Total descent: -6885 ft
Average speed: 18.56 mi/h
Total time: 10:40:51
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