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Commute Loop – 2023.05.10

Unfortunately nothing really to report from today’s commuting rides. Decided to take my chances and ride Tropicana from Nellis west to campus in the morning and in reverse this afternoon. Wasn’t too terrible. Of course it was busy, but nothing I haven’t experienced before. Thankfully it isn’t something that I want/need to do again any time soon.

The ride east was actually really nice considering it was both down hill and with a tail wind. Remember cruising at over 30 MPH just before the 515 interchange. The asphalt was excellent as well. What I wouldn’t do for a dedicated bike lane along that stretch.

New bike fund: $2.99(+$0.14)
16.94 new miles — From
Mostly cloudy-Mostly sunny, 66°F-83°F, Feels like 64°F-80°F, Humidity 25%-11%, Wind SSW 6mph-SW 8mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -6.6%
Headwind: 54% @ 11.4-27.5mph
Longest Headwind: 09h 19m 42s
Air Speed: 16.3mph
Temp: 59.7-80.7°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 52.49 mi
Max elevation: 2959 ft
Min elevation: 1730 ft
Total climbing: 2749 ft
Total descent: -2789 ft
Total time: 12:51:06

Published inCommuteCycling

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