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Pacific Coast Bike Route – Day 31 : Refugio State Beach > Point Mugu State Park

Considering what a pain yesterday was, I was expecting today to be more of the same. It took a bit to get everything sitting right but once it was there it turned into one of those days where I could have rode forever.

Originally, the plan was to take a rest day at Refugio. That would have meant only four days between breaks which I wasn’t thrilled about. In addition, there weren’t many services near Refugio. I felt that riding for Point Mugu and have a rest day there made more sense and offered more services closer. A concern I had was if Point Mugu would allow two consecutive night like Refugio. After talking with the wife I figured I’d go for Point Mugu and if worse came to worse I would ride continuously until I got to my in-laws. Then I would take two back-to-back rest days before leaving for home.

I woke up and started the day around 6:00. My camping spot was right on the water near the day use area and people were already being their shelters over to start holding their spots. I broke camp and rolled out around 7:30.

First order of business was to find a more significant breakfast than a couple of Clif bars. They’re a great stop gap to get me rolling, but aren’t nearly enough to fuel me for a significant ride.

I had scoped out a place last night to stop, but it didn’t work out in more ways than one. First I blew past it. I came to a turn in my route and remembered that I had wanted to stop before it. Determined to eat I back tracked. I arrive at this place to find it’s closed and its hours don’t match what is published on Google Maps. I almost continued back to a nearby IHOP, but thought better of it and continued on.

Not long after this mix up I was riding a nice bike trail. It turned east and soon enough I was riding through the UC Santa Barbara campus. This continued until I was dropped onto the Obern Trail. This would lead me throughout most of western Santa Barbara. It was a gorgeous little trail with smooth asphalt and plenty flat. Spotted several cyclists out enjoying themselves as well.

Eventually Obern ended and I skirted downtown parrelling CA-1/US-101 until I was back at the beach. As I started along the boardwalk things started getting busy. Everyone was making their way to the waterfront for the fourth celebrations. I spotted a couple promising looking breakfast joints but with lines 20ft+ long I had to pass.

I did spot the pier that extended out away from the shoreline and went out to take a look. As luck would have it I found Moby Dick Restaurant and they were serving breakfast. I locked up Shadow and went inside to eat and relax for a bit.

Having fueled up with a great breakfast/lunch I rolled out. Now things were getting even busier than before I’d stopped. I think the city had organized assigned spots because I spotted caution tape sectioning off sections along the boardwalk. I really wanted to get moving and out of the area before it grew even more crowded. It’s hard enough to ride a bike through crowds. It’s even more difficult with an extra 50 pounds of gear strapped on. There was a positive! I finally found a group with a wheel I could hold on to!

Somewhere near Montecito I think I narrowly avoided having to take a major detour. I arrived just before a fourth of July parade was scheduled to take place. The parade route was shared with my tour route! I crossed one intersection which had a police officer on the far side stopping traffic. I looked left and there is the parade coming down the road. That would have been an unfortunate delay.

Riding along I spotted a sign for Continental. I slammed on the brakes to get a picture. I could not resist to take a picture. Funny story to go with it too. As I’m stopped, but before obviously taking a picture, another cyclist comes up and asks if I’m ok.

“Yeah man I’m good. You know I couldn’t resist.”

He replies, “Oh man I totally get it. I’ve taken like five pictures there.”

I laughed out loud and it seriously made my day.

Two hours after the Continental shot I was ready for lunch and another break. I checked my map and realized I was about to leave Oxnard and my lunch options were about to be zero along the route. I bit the bullet and went with Wendy’s. You can’t always have fine dining on a bike tour. I followed it up by going to the Subway next door for dinner.

After what felt like forever I set off for camp. Before I rejoined CA-1 I passed by the Point Mugu Missile Park. Snapped a couple pictures of my missile with their missiles, and I had to get a shot of the F-14. As a child of the 80s, I’m not afraid to admit that I love the original Top Gun. The latest one ain’t half bad either.

On CA-1 I was welcomed with fresh new asphalt and a healthy tailwind. I was flying and it was glorious. It really helped to get me back in the right mindset after yesterday’s difficult day.

I got to the entrance station for the campground and asked about a two night stay. The guy working said no problem I just have to figure out how to punch it in. He asked me to go behind the station while he dealt with another camper. From what I gathered he’d been waiting for this person for some odd payment reason. While waiting I started playing with the kiosk machine that was there. I punched a couple buttons and be damned it would allow me to pay for two hike/bike nights. I was like, “Hell yeah” and paid up. Before rolling to camp I let the parks guy working know and thanked him for all his help.

My campsite is pretty sweet. It’s at the end of the RV only area. The only downside is several tent campers have cut a path through the western edge of the hike/bike area over the years. Occasionally, I have groups come walking through heading back to their camps. Oh well can’t win them all.

I took care of all my camp chores and then rode across CA-1 to the ranger station to post updates about no update. I let the family know the plan was to stay two nights at Point Mugh and that I would check in tomorrow when I rode into Oxnard to post updates and to get lunch/dinner. After that I went back to camp, enjoyed my Subway, and read my book until I crashed out.

Tomorrow is a rest day, but I’ll have to ride either back into Oxnard or towards Malibu to get food for lunch and dinner. I’ll check the to see which one has the closest Starbucks and go from there. Talk to you all then!

New bike fund: $11.51 (+$0.00)
80.78 new miles
🏘 Completed Mandalay State Beach
🏘 Completed 25% of San Buenaventura State Beach
— From
Mostly cloudy-Sunny, 56°F-75°F, Feels like 59°F-80°F, Humidity 89%-56%, Wind N 2mph-W 6mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 6.1%
Headwind: 75% @ 3.5-21.9mph
Longest Headwind: 02h 20m 37s
Air Speed: 14.6mph
Temp: 56.3-69.4°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 82.49 mi
Max elevation: 213 ft
Min elevation: -21 ft
Total climbing: 2290 ft
Total descent: -2243 ft
Average speed: 14.97 mi/h
Total time: 08:40:09
Published inCycling

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