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Vegas or Bust! – Day 1 : Tijuana River Valley Regional Park > Dana Point Marina Inn, Dana Point, CA

Slept pretty well last night. Did wake up in the middle of the night for a bathroom trip which is always fun. As I lay there trying to fall back to sleep I started worrying I wouldn’t. I eventually did and woke up a few hours later to start the day.

As I got started breaking camp I was inundated with flying insects. A combination of mosquitos and flies. It was awful and the worst swarming I’ve faced on this trip. I had to keep telling myself to calm down to avoid damaging or forgetting something in my rush to get out of there. I nearly did when I started riding over to the showers. In a rush I threw my camp chair in one of my panniers and left it open. Not to far from camp it fell out, of course, and I had to stop for it. Served as a perfect reminder to try to be patient.

Soon enough I was on my way north this time which honestly felt a little weird. After all this riding I have grown accustomed to the ocean being on my right, and now it was on my left. Also the sun was rising and peaking through the clouds in my right.

Today was going to be another big day so I skipped the big breakfast for breakfast food from a convenience store. Just a little something to get me into either Coronado or downtown San Diego. Once there I would find something more significant.

I came to the Bayshore Bikeway trailhead and there were quite a few cyclists mulling about. Some obviously having just finished a ride and others getting geared up to ride out. Quite the cycling community in the area. As I rode along the trail to Coronado it was a consistent flow of cyclists traveling south. Try as I might I couldn’t get any kind of response from anyone. I would give a “Yewe”, wave, peace sign, the whole nine yards and rarely a response. A stark contrast to the cyclists I see in Vegas.

Soon enough I arrived in Coronado and the ferry dock that would take me into downtown San Diego. I checked the board for departure times and be damned the first ferry isn’t until 9:30. Looking at my phone it was only 8:00! I pulled up Google Maps and searched for breakfast restaurants. I found one place a few blocks away that looked promising and rode over.

I pulled up to Tartine, parked Shadow, and pulled up a chair on their patio. As I browsed the menu the breakfast offerings were pretty thin. I decided to go with my other pre-ride fuel of choice oatmeal. I paired it with some coffee and a slice of their lemon tart. Overall it was pretty good, but I would say a little pricey for what it was. Then again when I observed the patrons it wasn’t surprising. Most of the folks looked to be in retirement and there were several gold carts parked on the street. This place knew its clientele that’s for sure.

Having wrapped up second breakfast I rode back over to the dock to wait for the ferry. Only had to wait about 20 minutes before we were boarded. The trip over to downtown was quick, but I got some better shots of the two aircraft carriers that were in port compared to those taken yesterday.

Made the gnarly climb up to and through the UCSD campus. I was dreading it after bombing down it yesterday. I was rewarded for my hard work with an absolutely smashing time descending Torrey Pines. I was screaming, hollering, and cheering on the climbers the entire way down. Made me feel like a kid again.

Coming into Carlsbad I struck up a conversation with a couple different cyclists about my trip. They were both headed in my direction and slowed down to keep pace with me. I know the first guy’s name was Jim and we talked at length before he made a turn off. The second guy I never caught his name but was also had a lengthy conversation. Was nice to have someone to talk to albeit for only a short while.

I also had some fun with a group who rolled up behind me. I asked them to make it look like I had just finished blowing their legs off, but they didn’t hear that before I snapped the picture. It did turn out cool though with everyone smiling!

Once I was back on the Old Pacific Highway Bike Trail I had some fun getting pictures of this great section of trail. On the way south I spotted one of the big “Warning U.S. Marine Corps Property” signs and said, “I want to get a shot with Shadow and one of those.”. Then I don’t remember seeing one before I left the trail. I was excited to see there was one on the fence near the gate when I entered from the south entrance. I couldn’t resist the opportunity.

Returning north to Dana Point went so much faster than the ride south. I’m not sure if it was because I was familiar with the area so it went quicker or what. Regardless I didn’t really get that many more pictures after Camp Pendleton. I really wasn’t seeing anything that I hadn’t seen on the way south.

I got checked into the hotel, got showered, and kit washed before walking over to Harpoon Henry’s Seafood Restaurant for dinner. I went with the Seafood Combination which included coconut shrimp, Mahi-Mahi macadamia, and pan-seared scallops. It was pretty dang good! I even finished it off with a slice of cheesecake.

Tomorrow looks to be a big day elevation wise with the ride to my in-laws’ house in Rancho Cucamonga. I’m also not looking forward to the heat. It’s only going to get worse from here on out.

New bike fund: $11.51 (+$0.00)
32.45 new miles
🏘 Completed 75% of Camp Pendleton South
🏘 Completed 50% of Doheny State Beach
🏘 Completed 50% of Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve
— From
Cloudy-Sunny, 64°F-70°F, Feels like 66°F-77°F, Humidity 74%-72%, Wind N 0mph-SW 5mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 0.6%
Headwind: 41% @ 1.7-10.3mph
Longest Headwind: 03h 55m 21s
Air Speed: 14.4mph
Temp: 62.9-73.7°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 82.83 mi
Max elevation: 437 ft
Min elevation: 5 ft
Total climbing: 2377 ft
Total descent: -2358 ft
Average speed: 15.49 mi/h
Total time: 09:33:51
Published inCycling

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