I mentioned a while back that I’m interested in increasing my commute volume to 50 miles per day and today was another route experiment.
I would like to avoid adding miles on to the end of the ride so I’m not home any later than I already am. I feel my current plan of leaving campus by going north to Flamingo, followed by east to Mountain Vista before going south is about the best I can get. I don’t think there are any promising options further east.
Today I turned my attention to adding miles before getting to work. Ideally, I would continue north on Rainbow to Spring Valley Pkwy and then go east on Harmon, but Harmon east of Las Vegas Blvd to Koval is a gong show because of the F1 construction. I’ve also considered continuing north to Flamingo, but again more F1 construction. Maybe I’ll investigate both options further once the race is done and dusted for the year. If anyone is familiar with either Flamingo or Harmon from Rainbow to say Las Vegas Blvd I would love to hear your thoughts on which, if either is better.
Overall felt pretty good on the ride all things considered. Definitely started feeling fatigued after mile 40. Not surprised really considering the ride home is 20 miles with 1,400 feet of climbing. I’m hopeful that as I continue to push myself with longer and longer commute distances I’ll gain some additional endurance in the legs making it easier and easier.
Other than that nothing really crazy to report. Definitely liked the route and will probably do it again, but I need to leave closer to 6:00 a.m. Today I rolled into campus just after 8:00 which isn’t ideal. Looking forward to a nice day off the bike tomorrow before this weekend’s group rides!
New bike fund: $27.87 (+$0.26)
6.96 new miles — From Wandrer.earth
441 vehicles @ 8.9 per mile, 2.5 per minute, Speeds: 36.7 mph (avg), 61.7 mph (max) — by MyBikeTraffic.com
Clear-Clear, 65°F-88°F, Feels like 66°F-86°F, Humidity 25%-11%, Wind W 2mph-SW 5mph — by Klimat.app
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 1.7%
Headwind: 62% @ 4.8-11mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 8m 29s
Air Speed: 18.3mph
Temp: 68.5-87.9°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 3055 ft
Min elevation: 1759 ft
Total climbing: 2102 ft
Total descent: -2174 ft
Average speed: 20.14 mi/h
Total time: 14:03:37
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