In SoCal for the weekend and spending time at the in-laws’ place means a Saturday trip to the beach! Had thought about doing this ride on Presidents Day after Camino Real, but the threat of rain put a kibosh on that idea.
Before committing to ride I was told that family festivities were scheduled for 2:00 p.m. and if I was going to ride I needed to be back to the house by then. I checked my previous rides and realized that if I dialed back the break at Bogart’s I could easily make it in time. I packed up Shadow, my kit, and the family and rolled out.
The ride south I had to make a u-turn and drum up a detour for a flooded section of Rio Hondo Trail near the Narrows. Thankfully I just went back to Lincoln Ave to ride up to the top of Rio Hondo Dam. Worked a treat.
Had a nice break at Bogart’s. Enjoyed a cold brew, cinnamon roll, oatmeal cookie, and a banana. Absolutely fire as usual.
While I was sitting there enjoying the view out the window lo and behold some Adobos rolled up Ocean Ave to stop at the Seal Beach Pier! I jumped up, poked my head out the door, and yelled “Adobo!!”. That got a rise out of them.
I returned to my table, looked at the time, and realized I needed to get moving. I packed everything up and decided to cross the street to chit chat with the Adobos for a bit. Helped take their group pix and found that it was the Orange County chapter. I had a nice chat with a few of their members before finally continuing on.
Riding northbound on the San Gabriel River Trail I hit a hike a bike section at the railroad trestle south of Beverly Blvd. The trail was significantly flooded. I came up behind a couple who had stopped and when I stopped I said, “Well you’re definitely not crossing that. It’s pretty deep.”
We watched as two other cyclists hiked their bikes into the bush, across the tracks, and into the bushes on the other side and out of sight. I took a couple pictures, put on my cleat protectors, and started hiking. It wasn’t too big a deal, just a minor inconvenience, and I continued up the trail. Before rolling on though there was another cyclist coming south and I let them know that they could make their way through and pointed out where. I also asked him to let the couple, who I’d left behind, know that they can for sure make it through.
Thankfully, from there on back to the in-laws’ place was uneventful. Overall today was a great ride and I made it home with 30 minutes to spare. Good thing because getting murdered in my sleep wouldn’t be a good time.
New bike fund: $53.49 (+$0.52)
9.92 new miles — From
316 vehicles @ 2.5 per mile, 0.8 per minute, Speeds: 34.0 mph (avg), 61.1 mph (max) — by
Give your activities the names they deserve. — by
Cloudy-Mostly cloudy, 59°F-73°F, Feels like 60°F-76°F, Humidity 39%-19%, Wind NE 2mph-SE 3mph — by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 0.5%
Headwind: 25% @ 1.3-8.1mph
Longest Headwind: 02h 4m 30s
Air Speed: 18mph
Temp: 54.7-72.7°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Max elevation: 1539 ft
Min elevation: -25 ft
Total climbing: 3337 ft
Total descent: -3329 ft
Average speed: 19.47 mi/h
Total time: 08:19:08
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