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There is a difference between knowing the path and riding the path.

This ride is so much more enjoyable when you don’t run into barriers on the way home.

The ride west over to the San Gabriel was great. Caught up to a rider named Desmond. I went around him at first, and then he started coming around. We just kinda cruised side-by-side for a bit and right when he started coming around a squirrel darted out in front of him. We both had a laugh and he even looked over and said, “Dang man did you pay him to do that?”

Overall I didn’t really push things on the way down which made the ride quite enjoyable. Just before the end of the LA River Trail a group of five came around me and I figured why not. I jumped on the final guys wheel and rolled with them until the end of the trail. I made the turn east to head to Seal Beach while they stopped to regroup.

As I passed by the dock for the Catalina ferry, I spotted a few guys with bikes in line to board. I told them, “Have a great afternoon gentlemen!”

“We will!!”, they replied.

As I made my way through Shoreline Park there was a huge event going on. There were people everywhere! Looking it up now and apparently it was the Long Beach Walk for Kids supporting the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House. I made my way through the crowd at a snails pace, but eventually made it through and continued on to the boardwalk.

The route I normally take through Seal Beach to Bogart’s was blocked off by police for some reason. No big deal, but certainly odd. Rolled into Bogart’s grabbed my usual cold brew, cinnamon roll, and banana. I decided to splurge and added a raisin oatmeal cookie. I hung out inside at a table for around a half hour or so before heading out. Before I left I picked up a Bogart’s coffee cup only after making sure it would fit in a jersey pocket.

Ride back was amazing. The winds started to kick up out of the south making for a great tailwind. Along the way I came across a Mercury airport tug parked on the trail! It was absolutely trashed. I couldn’t help myself and had to stop and snap a pic.

The rest of the ride was uneventful thankfully. I did return to the scene of the crime from a couple weeks back. It was interesting to see how Shadow and I actually went into the barrier. There were even marks where the left shifter hit it. I’m crazy lucky that things weren’t any worse.

Now for a nice chill afternoon hanging out with the family.

New bike fund: $59.22 (+$0.25)
0.16 new miles — From
266 vehicles @ 2.1 per mile, 0.7 per minute, Speeds: 34.5 mph (avg), 68.1 mph (max) — by
Give your activities the names they deserve. — by
Cloudy-Cloudy, 55°F-63°F, Feels like 55°F-67°F, Humidity 92%-71%, Wind NW 2mph-WSW 5mph — by Report —
Weather Impact: -2.3%
Headwind: 36% @ 1.1-10.3mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 8m 41s
Air Speed: 18.3mph
Temp: 56.9-66.5°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 126.14 mi
Max elevation: 1560 ft
Min elevation: -25 ft
Total climbing: 3526 ft
Total descent: -3516 ft
Average speed: 20.23 mi/h
Total time: 08:04:50
Published inCycling

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