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I see you’ve played knifey spooney before

Nice little shakeout ride to make sure the legs are still working and Shadow is ready to rock. Most fun I’ve had on a bike in a long time. An absolute blast of a ride. Also served as an excuse to log five more miles to take me over 1k for the month.

New bike fund: $61.13 (+$0.25)
🎷🐛 10.31 new miles — From
81 vehicles @ 6.3 per mile, 1.4 per minute, Speeds: 36.7 mph (avg), 71.5 mph (max) — by
Give your activities the names they deserve. — by
Sunny-Sunny, 89°F-85°F, Feels like 89°F-84°F, Humidity 10%-12%, Wind SSW 8mph-WSW 9mph — by Report —
Weather Impact: -5.1%
Headwind: 62% @ 9.1-20.8mph
Longest Headwind: 20m 14s
Air Speed: 15mph
Temp: 87.9-89.2°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 12.95 mi
Max elevation: 4378 ft
Min elevation: 4119 ft
Total climbing: 491 ft
Total descent: -442 ft
Total time: 00:57:35
Published inCycling

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