I love this ride. I LOVE THIS RIDE. 127 miles with a significant majority of it on trails without cars. I had more cars pass me on my last commute of 40 miles than today’s ride.
I slept in a little this morning so I got started a little later than usual. Honestly I needed the extra hours of sleep with the late arrival last night. On the flip side I didn’t have to use my commuter headlight to start the ride.
I’d checked the forecast before leaving the house and I thought I had my clothing dialed in. I was wrong. I started with arm warmers under a thermal long sleeve jersey with a wool baselayer in combination with summer bibs and leg warmers. I made it maybe three miles before I stopped and pulled off the arm warmers. Maybe 22 miles later, when I joined the San Gabriel trail in Azusa I had to stop to take off the leg warmers. The temperatures continued to climb eventually topping 70. Oof, I should have gone straight summer kit from the get go.
The ride down to Bogart’s was solid. In hindsight I kinda feel that I went a little too hard on the first half. There were a couple climbs that I sent it on, and they eventually caught up to me. In addition, once I’m on the Rio Hondo trail there are no mercy stops. No lights to save your legs. It’s a great endurance building stretch, but damn once you get to Long Beach you’re certainly feeling it.
I ran into a ton of Adobos today. I came across one Adobo along the Rio Hondo trail on the way down. Then I spotted the Cerritos chapter regrouping at the San Gabriel River Trail entrance near PCH. I’d originally rode by, but decided to double back and chat for a spell. Eventually they all rolled up and I decided to roll with them to enjoy a friendly wheel for a spell. Me being me I eventually came up alongside the group and settled down in front. I set about taking a pull and despite trying to keep the group together next thing I know it’s me and two other guys. I had a nice chat with the two guys at Liberty Park before setting off for home.
After a nice stop at the 605 and Ramona, I made the final 30 mile push for my in-laws house. I had a dinner date with the family, and the wife had reminded me the goal was to get to Olive Garden by 5. Thankfully I made it home in time to shower before heading out the door. This despite all the red lights I hit along the way.
Ultimately today’s ride was another great one. I can’t really express how much I truly enjoy this route. Being able to put your head down and focus on just riding is such a departure from riding with traffic, and these dedicated trails help make that happen.
New bike fund: $85.37 (+$0.54), €1.52 (+€0.00), ₱10.00 (+₱0.00), ֏10.00 (+֏0.00)
0.1 new miles — From Wandrer.earth
578 total shifts, 87 front, 491 rear. 91.4% of the ride in the big ring, 8.6% in the small. Most time spent in 52×19, 35% — by di2stats.com
330 vehicles @ 2.6 per mile, 0.8 per minute, Speeds: 35.2 mph (avg), 64.0 mph (max) — by MyBikeTraffic.com
Give your activities the names they deserve. — by Bandok.com
Mostly sunny-Sunny, 46°F-70°F, Feels like 48°F-72°F, Humidity 70%-39%, Wind NNE 2mph-WSW 5mph — by Klimat.app
— myWindsock.com Report —
Weather Impact™: 0.1%
Headwind: 31% @ 0.7 – 8.1 mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 33m 38s
Air Speed: 18.2 mph
Temp: 46.1-68.9 °F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Max elevation: 1549 ft
Min elevation: -20 ft
Total climbing: 3610 ft
Total descent: -3573 ft
Total time: 08:22:49
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