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You can’t find the right roads when the streets are paved.

Realizing that this weekend is going to be especially busy I thought I’d take the time to take in a night ride. When it comes to a night ride I prefer to stick to local trails versus open streets. I just don’t trust the drivers around here. Doesn’t matter how well lit you are or reflective, seems they drivers still find a way to hit cyclists. So I decided to go back to my old favorite route along the 215 trail over to the UPRR trail.

The new bike rode like an absolute dream. Having not rode as frequently as earlier this year, when I was done I felt really good. Felt like I could have gone a few more miles. No pain in my wrists, elbows, or knees. Only thing I have a problem with is some mid- to lower back pain. Think a lack of core strength is the cause and will go away as I continue to log more miles.

This is also the first ride with a power meter. Unfortunately I couldn’t keep an eye on my output during the ride being dark and all. Looking forward to putting that data to good use to improve my performance. I’d originally wanted to go with a pair of Favero Assioma pedals but got tired of waiting so went with a left side stages instead. Of course a few days later I get the email that I can purchase the Favero pedals. Going to see if I can downgrade that order to the Uno and put it on my other bike for my commutes.

Made one stop at the old UPRR trail terminus after going all the way out to RMT. Took a small break to have a little snack and refill my bottle before enjoying the long downhill. Couldn’t help but grab a quick pic of the new ride. So so happy with how it turned out and how well it rides. Next big goal is to turn in a century.

Clear, 100°F, Feels like 100°F, Humidity 10%, Wind 8mph from WSW – by
Give your activities the names they deserve. – by

Total distance: 35.76 mi
Max elevation: 2373 ft
Min elevation: 1900 ft
Total climbing: 1793 ft
Total descent: -1827 ft
Average speed: 16.25 mi/h
Total time: 02:43:43

Published inCycling

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