And another beautiful evening ride home. Can’t believe this weather in February. Got home absolutely drenched from head to toe. Tried my best to make…
Cycling commutes
And another beautiful evening ride home. Can’t believe this weather in February. Got home absolutely drenched from head to toe. Tried my best to make…
Another absolutely beautiful morning for a ride. Started a little on the chilly side, but warmed up quickly. Really got nice once the sun crested…
Absolutely beautiful evening ride home tonight. Weather was nice and not as warm as I’d feared. Kept a nice steady pace and ended up with…
Another beautiful morning for a ride. Thankfully an uneventful commute. Felt pretty good and actually nailed a couple PRs along Harmon. I am and am…
After two nights of amazing tail winds, I felt like a complete slug. Oh well super hero nights are over for now. The ride went…
Bit of a chilly one this morning. Had to throw on the long sleeve base layer to stay warm. Ride in was nice, but the…
Another commute home with an amazing tail wind? Yes please! I will say the winds were definitely more pronounced during segments that didn’t have me…
Beautiful morning for a ride even with the mild head wind. Much better than yesterday. With the lighter wind I felt more confident to put…
15 MPH tailwind? Yes please! With that much of a tailwind I nearly crushed all my PRs. Also took advantage to nab my first KOM.…
Watching the morning news I had some concerns about hitting the road with the wind. I decided to get out and brave it anyway. I…