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Morning Commute – 2021.07.01

Feeling pretty good out there this morning. Similar to last night, started off with legs feeling tired, but they woke up and felt better by the time I hit Reunion.

Changed up my Coronado Center/St Rose routine just a little today. Jumped off the trail at the ER at Green Valley Ranch and onto St Rose proper. Traffic was pretty light this morning so didn’t have any issues with cars passing by. Stayed in the right most travel lane until I passed the Paseo Verde intersection then moved to the left a lane and stayed there until the bike lane starts just north of Pebble. That change definitely contributed to the PR on the ‘St Rose/Pecos from Coronado to Pebble’ segment. Also not bad that I hit all the lights green up to Pebble itself.

Finally, was stoked to have the gate at the east end of Maule wide open for a third morning in a row! So awesome. Hoping it stays open until I clear it this afternoon.

Sunny-Mostly sunny, 84°F-80°F, Feels like 84°F-80°F, Humidity 41%-43%, Wind WNW 2mph-N 0mph – by

Total distance: 16.73 mi
Max elevation: 2939 ft
Min elevation: 1957 ft
Total climbing: 367 ft
Total descent: -1269 ft
Average speed: 22.81 mi/h
Total time: 00:56:46

Published inCommuteCycling

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