Family time occupying my morning means riding later than usual. I tried to get a GVC group ride going, but starting at noon is a little to late for most. So solo it was. Even though I was alone I had a really good time. Weather was absolutely beautiful and couldn’t have really asked for a better day.
One thing I don’t like about Boulder City is finding a nice place to stop. Sure there are a couple parks or the local supermarket, but most of the convenience stores aren’t easily accessible for bikes. I tried something new and instead of going through downtown Boulder City, I turned north along Avenue I to connect with Nevada Way. Instead of working my way north along Quartzite and Red Rock Roads to get to the nearest 4-way intersection, I turned into the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce’s parking lot and joined a trail with went under the highway and joined up with the RMT. Took a quick right and went to the Terrible’s on Ville Dr and wow what a great place to stop. Nice picnic tables and a great view of Lake Mead. Awesome, awesome, awesome.
After a nice break to refuel, I jumped back on the new sections of the RMT to work my way back into town. Really like what they’ve done for improving the RMT. Getting it up and out of the drainage channel really makes that section much more enjoyable.
From there on back was a standard RMT, Lake Las Vegas, and Warm Springs return to Pebble Marketplace. There were a couple sketchy parts along the RMT with rocks and dust at some of the faster corners. Love that everyone I saw with an off road vehicle was courteous and letting me pass before they even approached the trail, but they throw up so much debris on the trail it make the trail unsafe at spots.
Now for a nice relaxing evening with another dinner of Tacoman Grill Spicy Shrimp Burritos. No commute tomorrow because of an early meeting that I’m bringing donuts to. May pick up the commutes again on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Give your activities the names they deserve. – by
Sunny-Sunny, 67°F-70°F, Feels like 65°F-68°F, Humidity 19%-15%, Wind E 3mph-WSW 3mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -4.1%
Headwind: 55% @ 2.2-10.3mph
Longest Headwind: 47m 37s
Air Speed: 17.1mph
Temp: 67.4-71.1°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 2701 ft
Min elevation: 1474 ft
Total climbing: 4024 ft
Total descent: -3983 ft
Average speed: 19.19 mi/h
Total time: 04:05:39
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