I originally signed up for Tour de Summerlin on 1/30/2020. I registered for the 40-mile route, size XL t-shirt, planning to ride my MTB. I was nervous as 40 miles was a BIG ride. Then COVID happened and that was put on hold.
Since then I updated my registration to the 80-mile route, size L t-shirt, planning to ride my Domane road bike, and 80-miles is nothing compared to the centuries, or longer, I’ve done.
I’m not even mad. Rolled up to the red light at Hills Center Drive (6 miles in), down shifted, and *POP* rear derailleur up shifted to the smallest cog. Ride over. Nursed it back to Downtown Summerlin.
On the bright side I got to see my Adobo Velo family along Blue Diamond. Pulled over and made sure they heard me cheering them on. Also, better to have a mechanical now than in Canada or somewhere in between there and here.
UPDATE: Came to my favorite shop, Swanny’s, and it was a busted cable (pic attached). It lasted just over 7,000 miles.
T-Minus 20 days until PCBR.
Sunny-Sunny, 41°F-41°F, Feels like 42°F-42°F, Humidity 55%-55%, Wind NW 5mph-NW 5mph – by Klimat.app
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -4.6%
Headwind: 45% @ 10.5-17.2mph
Longest Headwind: 9m 26s
Air Speed: 17.3mph
Temp: 51.4-53.3°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 3051 ft
Min elevation: 2642 ft
Total climbing: 541 ft
Total descent: -545 ft
Average speed: 19.36 mi/h
Total time: 00:38:53
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