Another beautiful ride in this morning. Still chilly, but the gear is doing its job keeping me warm. Going to need replacement shoe covers sooner…
Another beautiful ride in this morning. Still chilly, but the gear is doing its job keeping me warm. Going to need replacement shoe covers sooner…
Definitely a cool one on the ride home. Pretty much wore exactly what I wore in this morning just to be certain I wouldn’t get…
Pretty chilly one to start the week. Thankfully all my gear really came through and I was able to stay warm for most of the…
I kept hemming and hawing about going for a ride, and finally forced myself out the door. As usual, after the fact, I’m happy I…
I knew last night I wanted to get in an easy recovery ride to follow up the solid workout. Thankfully, the kiddo wanted to put…
Another beautiful fall day for a ride. It was reported on the morning news that it was breezy, but the winds would die down in…
Was a great day for a ride. Since I’ve had the past few days off the bike I decided to stretch my legs this afternoon.…
Not entirely sure where all this energy has come from, but I really poured it on again clocking my 3rd fastest commute home. Similar to…
Holy cow just smashed it today. Not my fastest time to work, but definitely top 5 effort. Felt really good leaving the house and decided…
Another nice night for a ride home. Weather has been holding out and staying just chilly enough for only arm warmers. The last few miles…